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Everything posted by Koala

  1. LMAO I think it selected one of the automatic fill ins.
  3. Name: Koala Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:156828793 Staff Rank: Koala Were you VIP: Yes Date: 4/8/19 Reason for leaving: I don't feel the drive to play Gmod like I used to, need to focus on school, college selections are coming up, strict parents limiting playtime, and I want to spend my freetime learning new things, and practicing the old, rather than in Gmod. Still, I don't regret joining back into this community at all. Made lot's of great memories, and I will be back when I'm in college. Farewells: This is a full resignation from this community, cause I just don't feel like I want to play gmod anymore. Nothing wrong with it, might come back to see 187th real quick, but I'm just downright tired. @Ratio @Beast @Super @Kubert @Holo @NootNootEh @Alucard @Swift @Ragen @Slump @Gret Briddlehide @Asus @UneJamMut @Centurion @Rhinocerus @@kesselisapparentlynotontheforums My time in Shock was very special to me. I've been in shock on Icefuse before, and when Synergy first cam out, but Ive never had a group of friends quite like you guys. I have pretty memoriable moments from being in the battalion, and you guys were most of the reason I decided to even stay and become staff. @AllMightySquee @Synyster @Dolvek @APPLE @[SR] Dennis [A] @Kronos Jones I missed a ton of you guys, but all the same, Doom's Unit was my first ever battalion back on FSAS, then Icefuse, great memories. To say the least, you guys always made my time enjoyable, even with my bias from former friends. At first I was upset that all my old DU friends were no longer on Synergy, but you guys really made me stay. Thanks for all the fun guys.
  4. I never realized that, lol. Is it okay if I call my LOA off early? My mom is better now, and i can get back into gmod.
  5. Koala


    +1, but this should be voided. This is too early.
  6. Name: Koala Staff Rank: Koala Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): From today, Sunday march 31st, to next Sunday April 7th. Reason: My mom has gotten into a car accident, and I need to spend the time I have visiting her in the hospital, and focusing on housework. As a result, I cant play on the server, cause if I have any free time, I would be spending it on real life matters. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  7. Understandable, but you powergamed that Cad Bane was there. With zero confirmation with the Game Master, you got half the troopers to detain event jobs. While, you absolutely can go in, and steal a datapad, you can't just be like Cad Bane is here, without asking the GM if its okay. On the shit talking, I must personally apologize for the event job's actions. They've been talked to, and if they ever do so again, they will get a blacklist from Event jobs.
  8. I was watching that in spectate. One of your guys straight shot a rocket into your squad... Edit: We also specified no perm weapons for event jobs during the debrief
  9. Name: Unusual Who helped (If applicable): |STAFF| Koala [Shadow], Dolvek, Loopy, Reaper |VIPS| Hansen, Omama, Yolo, Racc, Sahn, Lunch Event Name: Mandalorian Kerfuffle Summary of the story: Two Mandalorian clans have a feud over a ship being shot over the lake near the Republic Base. The two clans: Clan Dolvek, and Clan Thrad. As the Republic becomes aware of the feud, both clans attempt to persuade the Republic to their side. The deciding factor is that the ship shot down has evidence of one of the clan's corruption. Clan Dolvek is a calculating, former royal clan, associated with Rancor. They are cold, and calculating, weighing both sides before committing to desicions. On the other hand, Clan Thrad, is a war mongering clan, that overthrew the Dolvek Clan, and are associated with Bantha. Ruthless, and violent at all turns. However, the clones soon realize that the Mandalorian Ambassador survived the crash, along with multiple boxes scattered from the crash. It turns out Clan Dolvek is corrupt, forcing Clan Thrad to overthrow them. What was the result of the event?: In the end, hostilites broke out, as Clan Dolvek was attacked by Clan Thrad and the Republic. The Sith also participated, murdering both sides. However, Clan Dolvek's leader, Dolvek attempted to end hostilities. Unfortunetly, Vice Chancellor Mas Amedda thought this impossible, and ordered him dead, though he soon escaped with a few of his members. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: A mix of both. Roleplay in order to determine which clan to support
  10. Name: Cutlaw Who helped (If applicable): Staff| Koala[Shadow], Dolvek | VIPs: Cubby Event Name: Spiritual Realm Summary of the story: A being born of the Force has appeared on the planet of Endor. A Sage Master, who is on a seperate mission for a shrine that has been calling for him through the force. He ends up on Endor, to find a corrupted shrine on Bravo, where he inspects the site. However, he is corrupted by the shrine, as he falls to the dark side, and strange beings attack the base along with the now corrupted Master. As the strange beings were invisible, and strengthened under the force, the Republic had trouble. On the other end, the Jedi discovered the corrupt shrine, and began purifying it, with the hope of removing the source of the beings. However, the being noticed its power waning, and attacked the Jedi with its [Vortiguant] beings. The Jedi, quickly overwhelmed, fled, only to return with the aid of some clones. While staving off the spirits, Jedi Master Jocasta Nu was able to purify the shrine. Afterwards, the being, now no longer corrupted, reached out through the force to the Jedi, so as to thank them for purifying it. After a brief discussion with the force sensitives of the planet, the being left, to deal with other matters. What was the result of the event?: Good, no one caused issues, and some good roleplay with Jocasta Nu, and the being. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role Play, with a shootemup via the Spirits.
  11. +1. Shadowed some events for him. We always welcome new Game masters!
  12. Name: Koala Who helped (If applicable): Killjoy, Stak, Harte Event Name: Hondo Ohnaka meets the Republic Summary of the story: Part 1: Bo-Katan Kryze and her NiteOwls find out about the Republic Base, and thinking it will be easily crushed, attack the base with the Shadow Collective, also known as the bigger organization the NiteOwls are a part of. Trandos, Mandos, Droids all attack the base. Bo-Katan and some of her personal NiteOwls attack the base themselves, but fall back when they lost too many. I want Bo-Katan to survive the battle, as she is important later on. After the Shadow Collective is pushed back, the Republic wonders how they discovered the Republic Base so easily. Thats when good old Hondo Ohnaka comes along. Remember the Weequay that captured even Jedi and Sith? Well hes back. He and his crew are now after Bo-Katan. Afterall, capturing her will get them good money back on Mandalore. She is a terrorist there. Hondo offers the republic his aid. Now this will be player based. If the republic accepts, no worries, to part 3 we go. If they recognize the Weequay, and are wary, Hondo will offer a job for the republic to test his trustworthiness. That will be Part 2. If the republic absolutely refuses, we move onto Part 3, Addendum 2. What was the result of the event?: The Republic does not trust Hondo, but are willing to not arrest him, based on his former crimes. They also mentioned that if they ever should need him, they will call Hondo and his crew. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up/roleplay with those with Hondo.
  13. Who? Just kidding, but this one is a yikes from me boss. Neutral
  14. Yeah, had to up the health on the droids so i could spawn less. Still killed many troops though :P
  15. Yeah I agree. Sorry this wasn't too well thought out guys. I originally planned it to be an encounter.
  16. Name: Koala Who helped (If applicable): Staff: Loopy VIPs: Red/Conquest/Apple/Ghoul Event Name: Kidnapped BaseOps Summary of the story: A Sniper Droid was sent onto the planet to retrieve some comms devices for some Commando Droids to later sneak in with. They attacked, and captured Alpha base, kidnapping a certain BaseOps Warrant Officer Apple in the process. Afterwards, the CIS attempted a preemptive strike on the Main Base, but the GM worked well to thwart that attack. Soon, a force was sent out to retake Alpha Base from the CIS. However, the threatened the Republic if they entered the base. Soon the Munificient above the base was blown up as well, and the Commando Droids were stuck in Alpha with the BaseOps. A 104th was sent in to negotiate, but disliking the negotiations, and with the BaseOps attempting to run, negotiations broke down, and the droids were attacked. What was the result of the event?: All CIS forces destroyed, and the BaseOps successfully saved medically, although with some hurt feelings.(Republic wanted to just charge in without caring about his life) Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup with a little negotiation.
  17. Wrong event my guy. That's Forseen's event. Either way, did you read "(this is not tantrum rantrums so don't be fucking gay)"
  18. Name: Koala [Shadowing GH Dennis] Who helped (If applicable): Dennis Event Name: CIS Strike Team Summary of the story: This was a passive/shootemup event, with the jobs as commando droids. They equipped CT armor, and went around the base rp-ing as ordinary CTs, following protocols. OOC-This was a metagame test, with the droids doing regular trooper stuff. Eventually, this transitioned into an attempt at taking a BaseOps hostage in medbay. The BaseOps escaped, but the droids hid in Medbay, locking it down, and destroying the panel. In response, the troopers blew into the medbay, cornering the droids, and destroyed them. Before they're destroyed, the Commandos were able to call in a CIS strike team, who was soon destroyed and blown up. What was the result of the event?: Some extent of metagame. The droids go to Medbay, like 5 troopers show up... Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: A bit of both
  19. +1 Great Dude, thought I hadn't seen you for a while, now I know you were on LOA.
  20. 10/10 We spent... FOUR HOURS on this event. Beautiful map, and Synyster made it better by building all over it. It was really fun, died when the scientist came along, my droids decided to be wack AIs and shoot him in the back.
  21. Name: Koala Who helped (If applicable): Synyster, Dolvek Event Name: Star Fighter Assault 2 Summary of the story: CIS versus Republic Space Battle. The goal was to destroy a certain number of enemy frigates. DU, Shock, 41st, and Pilots were deployed. Only Korriban and spawn planet were used. What was the result of the event?: A Tie overall. CIS got more fighter and bomber kills, but the Republic had the upper hand in Frigate kills, V-19s won't be used from now on. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up
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