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Everything posted by RAMM

  1. o7 didnt get to know you enough brother.
  3. o7 im going to miss one of my closest brethren in the 21st
  4. +1 FM I've seen how 104th has become since you have become XO and im proud to +1 you
  5. sorry for not responding sooner. Don't worry i have already started on the progress in moving 21st in a new direction and improving myself i promise to you i am going to lead 21st down a road of greatness.
  6. I hope so sir. Ill do my absolute best!!!
  7. Will do. I've already started by trying to improve my reflations with my fellow specialized battalions and a few attack battalions. Ill try to host more joint training with other battalions. thank you for the useful feedback!!!
  8. 7/10 I wish we had more events like this for specialized. Though the only problem was the lack of story, and sometimes after we would kill a whole wave of droids more would just spawn in their place.
  9. my deepest apologies. im sorry for coming off that way
  10. Thank you for telling me how it is. *sigh* you were always good at it.
  11. I will take your words as a reminder to improve myself in the future. thank you.
  12. I deeply apologize for my behavior at the time. You will never see that again i promise you.
  13. ==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]========== Steam Name: [SR] RAMM200 RP Name: Commander Keller Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞STEAM_0:0:111041579 Battalion or squad you are applying for: 21st BCMD Bacara Experience: I joined when 21st was in an odd place in this server and I was pretty mingy I am not going to lie, but over time and with a lot of disciplinary action and good guidance from the officer corps and specifically Qall, I learned adapted and became a semi-good leader. I learned what it was to be a leader in my WO position making it my goal that now that we were switched to specialized to bring the feeling of GM being elite back into the mindsets of recruits and other battalions. I did this by making an alternative route to getting the GM Job called NC Phasing. It is still in effect today but the main core principles of that training were to make "Marines" and teach them the importance of being serious when you are wearing our robes. Now after Oxen convinced me to move off of WO I found myself reverting to my semi-serious self. That is until Matra beaned me out and told me to come back in a week. I stayed with 41st for that week during logic's rein and I'm not going to lie I was inactive for IRL reasons. Once I came back to GM I made a vow to never disgrace GM again and I made it my mission to prove to Matra and Gadget I was worthy of being in a leadership position once more. My big moment to show this was when Matra was resigning I put my heart and soul to make sure I performed to my very best. and in return I got Keller. ever since then, Gadget has been placing a lot of trust in me. Now that Gadget resigned out of the blue for some of us it has come to my attention that I need to step up and take the reins of leading 21st. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I've talked to my fellow officers about running for this position and they see me as the best possible candidate. I also have a good public opinion from the people in my battalion. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes, Galactic Marines were a special unit in the 21st Nova Corps of the 4th Sector Army. It was lead by CC-1138 Clone Marshal Commander Bacara, And Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi. The Galactic Marines were known for the fearlessness and relentlessness in combat. They participated in the Battle of New Bornalex where they earned their reputation as the “Most Feared Battalion” When their suit’s malfunctioned and Bacara led a charge using there bear fists and tour an army of B2’s in half Their most known for being the main battalion who fought on Mygeeto throughout the clone wars which was a war of never-ending attrition. Availability: For the summer I can be active whenever I’m needed. Once school starts back up I can only be from 4:30PM-10: 00 PM US CTS. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I joined when Jacian was Bacara so about 1 year ago. My time in-game on the server is 2014:08:38. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want 21st to be in a stable position after the end of my term. I'm going to build up the foundations of GM Examples: Making PT more rigorous and enjoyable, making training harder and rely on teamwork. Training is going to be more frequent. I'm going to introduce more communication with the members of our battalion. In an effort to make joining 21st and staying in it a higher probability. I'm going to make SO more comfortable in the 21st by making more personalized training for them. My main goal is at the end of my term is for 21st to be self-sufficient without a Bacara needed. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, I do. Do you understand that your position has a three-month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes, I do. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. o7 Ill try my best to keep 21st together in your absence.
  15. RP Name: Lieutenant Colonel Keller Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:111041579 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 17 Timezone: Central Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Well, I've always wanted to endure a staff role within the server. During my time, I never received a chance to run for staff. Now that I've got a chance, I'm going all in. I wish to help the community in whatever ways I can. Important roles are my type of thing, and I'm serious and dedicated enough to hold that type of position. I believe I'm capable and mature enough to hold the title of staff for Synergy Roleplay. Whatever work I'm designated with, I'll give all my efforts and complete it. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is RAMM, and I'm also known as Keller from the 21st Nova Corps. I've been playing on Synergy for about a year now. I'm a serious, mature, and respectful person. Do you have any previous staff experience? None. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) 1993:59:27. Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) None.
  16. Search up kellers lore there is barely any reliable lore bud
  17. Over half of everything on this server is lore inaccurate
  18. There its going to be towards the top.
  19. Like i said no one uses it and this is a good way for KU other than just being a status symbol to have something to do in game
  20. BTW the SO Westar is terrible. and the Marine Waster is more versatile in a lot of situations
  21. @BigZach @Nade Jones @Hero I edited it to answer some of your problems
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