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Everything posted by Panda

  1. If we have enough RC on tomorrow i'll do it again since it seems you guys want to re-do it and go full stealth lmao
  2. Name: Punda Event Name: RC Stealth Insertion Summary of the story: (This is the event idea that I posted before I did the event and it explains everything) What was the result of the event?: RC was seen, base was on high alert, RC eventually fought their way to where Padme was, extracted her, and then was evvaced by a Pilot in a LAAT Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Both
  3. I overall really liked this event, yes there was lag and shit, but your ALWAYS gonna have lag, you can't avoid that. I really liked the underwater part, I took a few screenshots of it. The hilltop part was pretty good as well, it was pretty cool seeing all the clones running up that hilltop to take it over and then all the clones attacking the airstrip and pilots in the air and stuff. But then came the tunnel part, like holy fuck the amount of NPCs that was there, I already spoke to you about who was spawning that many and full blame should go to them instead of you. Overall, +1 from me, but I would say bring less people next time, that type of event would be fucking AWESOME for like 3 battalions or so
  4. Name: Punda Event Name: The CIS Attack Summary of the story: Just a quick shoot em up event where CIS attacked and tried to hold down ER and 3rd floor What was the result of the event?: Republic victory, the CIS ship blew up Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: shoot em up
  5. Name: Punda Event Name: The CIS Attack Summary of the story: Just a quick shoot em up event where CIS attacked and tried to hold down ER and 3rd floor What was the result of the event?: Republic victory, the CIS ship blew up Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: shoot em up
  6. Yea totally forgot about the meetings that was today, my fault on that
  7. Name: Punda Event Name: Battle of Umbara Summary of the story: Basically everything that happened in the story ARC, the main scenes at least What was the result of the event?: Krell was killed, republic took the capital and evacced Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Mainly RP, but also shoot em up
  8. people complain when I only send like half the server, but when I send the entire server, people still complain.
  9. Name: Punda Event Name: Planetary Assault Summary of the story: Clones were deployed to a cis core world to invade it What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up You and Jagger like this 2 Unlike this
  10. It was better then the Venator i'd say, in terms of ping it was fine. FPS, not so much but that's a given
  11. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Punda Event Name: Battle of Kamino Summary of the story: Basically everything that happened in the episode happened in this event to keep it TL;DR What was the result of the event?: The CIS were drove back, republic victory Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Both
  12. Panda

    Punda's Newt

    Name: Punda Event Name: Newt Capture Summary of the story: CIS droids along with Grievous, and Dooku went to the Venator/Temple to capture Jedi Commander Newt, who had valuable intel on him involving the CIS. The CIS stopped Newt before he uploaded the data, eventually Newt was unable to fight off Dooku and Grievous, so he was captured. What was the result of the event?: Newt was captured by Grievous and Dooku Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Tiny bit of RP, but mainly shoot em up Newt wanted me to do an event where his trandoshan jedi got captured so he can do a "transition" to ki adi mundi, so this is what this was 0 Like this
  13. +11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
  14. Name: Punda Event Name: The Black Sun Summary of the story: The Black Sun gang was on Nar Shadaa terrorizing civillians, a representative of the sector was sent to the venator to call for aid, the 41st, jedi, 501st, and 327th were sent to the sector to solve the issue What was the result of the event?: The Black Sun members were killed, the Gungans and Wookies were sent back to their home planet, chiss rep was killed Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: both
  15. Name: Punda Event Name: Snow Assault (part 2) Summary of the story: Clones and Jedi were sent to the snow planet of Viri to rid the forward operating base the deathwatch had set up there, the clones had to extract data, and also blow the base up and evac once all of that is done. What was the result of the event?: Republic evacced with the data and the base was blown up Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up Note: I tried to stabilize the lag as much as possible, people complained yesterday that they didn't get to be apart of the event and suggested doing the whole server, so I did, and it was quite laggy. Lag was hopefully at least playable, on my end I could still play and know what was going on, so hopefully it was the same for all of you.
  16. Well yea duck would have more playtime last 2 weeks, 2 weeks ago boss was in like a week long loa due to Irma like I said above
  17. 1. I don’t think telling someone to “fuck off” is kindly. 2. I never said you’ve been ever handled things peacefully before, I said you could’ve handled this situation *better* instead of saying he things that you said. 3. I never went on a rant about 38th, I simply stated that they do EOD and TECH as well, not sure how a 5 word or so is a rant. 4. In the 1st and 2nd photos, you show me asking who tech trained NULL, and so we could ask them if they plan to do tech training and shit so we (me and Baxter) could talk to you guys about how you plan to do tech, since me, Baxter, and Fido earlier were revamping tech training. Not sure why you got angry over the words “so we could see if they plan to do tech training or whatever so half the server doesn’t have it.” 5. Not sure why you brought Baxter into this when I was the one posting but sure. 6. Again, in my eyes you didn’t handle those teamspeak PM conversation professionally at all, you told me to “kindly” fuck off, basically said I’m shit, never said you never handled things peacefully before, just said you could’ve handled this better
  18. THats what I was planning to do, letting the battalions that didn’t go go today when I redo- the event
  19. Edit to my -1: So I had asked "Who TECH training NULL" in the RC discord, because NULL usually do TECH training in their tryouts, I didn't know it was a separate thing or w/e, and you PM me this on TS: "<22:13:55> "Duck | Pm me If needed": Just saying, my null are going to do TECH trainings. have a problem with it? Welp fuck off. Sorry null are going to attempt to run more tech trainings in a week then you have done in your entire time as fixer. So stop giving my null shit, thanks <3.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'". Now, I meant my question in the other way, I'm not sure if you took it that I was saying that you guys shouldn't do TECH training or w/e you thought, but still. Either way that you took it, you should have PMed me asking what I meant by my question or something, the way you responded is something I would NOT want as my commanding officer. I would want someone that can solve a situation peacefully, instead of PMing me saying "Fuck off", and basically giving me shit.
  20. I don't think you realize how much the server would have lagged, maybe even crashed, if I sent the entire server. The dupe I had made was specific for around 3 battalions, any more and people wouldn't have even been able to mode, I made the dupe that way to limit the amount of lag as much as possible. I'm not trying to be mean but if this is about me telling NULL you guys aren't allowed, that was a miscommunication. I had told Joe SPECIFICALLY 501st, 41st, 212th, and SC, no one else. I guess Joe just thought you guys would be fine, but that's not what I wanted. I also didn't include RC either, RC and NULL get tons of action on the ship (IR, Negotiations, being able to roam anywhere they please, etc). So I figured you guys would be fine with me not including NULL in 1 event, but I guess not.
  21. Name: Punda Event Name: Snow Assault Summary of the story: 501st, 41st, 212th, and SC were sent to a snow planet to rid the planet of the CIS at their base of operations, and also to extract data. Once they got the data they had to make it back to the LAAT and evac What was the result of the event?: The Republic escaped with the data Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: shoot em up Sorry to any battalions that didn't go, I already have your names written down and next event I do that is similar to this, I will send you guys. If I sent anymore battalions the server would have crashed, it was cramped and laggy enough with only 3 battalions (SC only had about 3 ppl sorry SC)
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