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Acid last won the day on October 7 2018

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  1. +1 It's a rare occurrence for me to have a negative interaction with Cannon. While he's devoted considerable time to building up and improving the 327th, I've still managed to constantly see him helping those outside of his battalion, even the shinies. He's a downright kind guy with a solid work ethic and would be a great addition to staff.
  2. When you're trying to capture the Deathwatch's ship so he can't escape and the sneaky dude becomes a stowaway at the last second and it flies off like some sort of spooky ghost ship... +1
  3. +1 I've been working with Blitz for a considerable time now, I can say with confidence that as a BCMD - he's been responsive, adaptive, reliable, accessible, etc. We've got a fantastic dynamic within Rancor's command right now and the credit for that goes to Dragon - who made sure that the people moving into Commander positions were actually capable of doing the work. It was one of the smoothest transfers of power I've seen in a long time. I'm looking forward to the future of the Rancor Battalion, with Dragon remaining BCMD. - Commander Colt
  4. Acid

    Deathwatch attack

    -1 I pretty consistently had things spawned less than a meter away from me. Between our weirdly acting doors, comms being shut down, and the sith chopping us down like a lawnmower - idk what we could've changed outcome-wise. Would've been a lot more fun to have them showing up in patrols outside rather than absolutely flooding into the main gate. Now we've just got to find out how 200+ Deathwatch made it past our base's sensors . . .
  5. +1 It makes sense for our medics to be especially capable at reporting to the Medbay and reaching their fellow troopers. Seriously, we get plagued by microbial outbreaks and get fired upon on a daily basis.
  6. +1 The riot atmosphere was fantastic and I saw you actually directing the NPCs rather than just spawning them somewhere to stand/shoot which is sadly the norm. Only critique I have is that the map used was massive and it might've been useful to block off some areas next time since they didn't lead to anything relevant when we searched them and just diverted from the mission. Welcome back - I hope I can take part in more of your events, your fusion of RP and Shooting was outstanding.
  7. +1 Really had a terrific time with this event - particularly because I was able to find and pick up things to do throughout the whole event. Between the ER, Medbay, and MHB ... I was kept exceptionally busy across a wide area and it was fantastic. Looking forward to the next one.
  8. +1 The tight chokepoints of that map were hell (as always) and I got elevated into a pancake when someone closed the blast door. However, us Rancor boys were able to move as a unit and help our fellow troopers - making the hardship well worth it. Altogether - nice event man, looking forward to the next one.
  9. Hammer here, 3 days sounds a bit rough for the bind. However, I wouldn't say you're right when you said : It is rather FailRP, but I'd say licking the heck out of someone comes a bit close to kissing another clone and it's pretty weird regardless. I wouldn't say it's fine, more than it is somewhat tolerable - and I'm a fairly tolerant guy so that's a factor. That said, for the bind itself: ... we totally don't teach you anything about licking strength in ARC training; Stop that and be a better ARC , lol. Verdict: If you delete the bind and stop licking your fellow troopers, +1 ..otherwise -1 and serve your time.
  10. +1 I've had nothing but good interactions with Cyclops. In my opinion, he's a good candidate to command the 327th Star Corps.
  11. RP Name : Rancor ARC WO Hammer (Non-lore name = "Acid") Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:32927154 VIP (Y/N) : N Age : 22 Timezone : Pacific Standard Time (PST) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum) : I like to help improve our community, this is one way to do that. I've been online on several occasions where staff was unavailable. I'm interested in applying for Gamemaster at some point and Senior Admin+ is required. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum) : I like to be creative in my free time. My biggest motivation for being active on SWRP has been the friends I've made in the community. I've been told I have 10/10 voice acting skills. Do you have any previous staff experience? : I have experience with being a head admin, but it wasn't on Gmod/Synergy. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) : 407 : 13 : 33 Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server? (If so specify which one) : N/A
  12. Hey Troopers! So there was a meeting on (10 / 07 / 18) at about 2:10 PST and considering how it’s generally difficult to get people together for pretty much anything, it’s fairly unlikely that everyone was there at that specific time. It ended at about 2:25 PST, so if you weren’t on Teamspeak for that 15 minute time span - you missed it. 😟 (Not to mention, some people who were moved over at the time went back to their channels and left.) But no worries! I spent a bit over a couple hours lovingly typing and formatting a transcript of the announcements for the forums so that folks can still learn about what was discussed in a much less time-sensitive post, while I can't guarantee the transcript is 100% accurate, it's certainly accurate enough to be helpful. Furthermore, I recommend using it because it's much easier to follow the meeting with it, rather than teamspeak audio alone. You can read along with my recorded audio of the meeting, posted below (Audio quality improves @0:40) : If you don’t have time for that.. well, alright - here’s the TL:DR of things : SCP stuff is coming. Square was promoted to the new “Administrative Coordinator” position. The new map is delayed, there were complications with the guy working on it. However, the devs made a deal to get some assets from it and are exploring options. The dev team appears focused on optimizing ALL the things to help improve performance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Transcript : Zim: There it goes, hello everybody! Welcome to a Synergy Roleplay Meeting. Today, you will be led by "sick man Zimbo", PTS is now active in the chat so please chill it out. So we’ve got a few things going on here. Number 1, just going to let you know - SCP is on it’s way. It’s coming soon. Number 2, optimizations - yes, they are finally coming! We’re going to get everything reworked as well as the sabers fixed so that things should be working properly very soon! That includes all of the force abilities that are kinda “eh” and that’ll be pretty good. Lightning squad jobs will be updated in as well as some of the new models, pretty soon too - probably within the next week or two depending on Espedian and [once] Kyle, and CBlake finish their current projects. But that should be pretty, pretty nifty. Jackson? Jackson: Alright. Is that all you’ve got for updates? Zim: Pretty sure that’s all I’ve got - so now it’s your turn. Jackson: Ok, so everyone - everyone that’s here.. We’ve got a fantastic announcement. So, it’s not the map, of course, cause I’m sure all of you want that but it has nothing to do with that. Which, I’d prefer the map over this - but that’s ok. (Joking) Yes, June 1st. We have a special day for someone. Somebody that’s been uhh-- Zim: Joah’s birthday! Jackson: .. no. Nobody cares about Joah anymore. Zim: Aw.. Damn. Jackson: Somebody that’s been working with us for quite a while and has been a Synergy director for almost five months now, I believe - and working hard to make sure the community is, y’know as good as it can be - making sure things are going on well and everyone is happy with the server. Staff team commanders and otherwise and has been helping founders make sure everything is well organized and we appreciate all the work he has done for us. So, Mr. Square - we’ve decided to promote you to the new Administrative Coordinator position. Congratulations Square! Square: Oh woaw. Zim: Congratulations Square! Jackson: Your hard work has paid off. Square: Well thank you. Jackson: Five months as director and ya fuckin’ did it. Everyone, everyone right now go ahead an PM Square congratulations. Square: oh no. Zim: Yeah, everybody make sure to PM him the best you can - as many PMs as possible. Square: OH NO. Jackson: Yes. We want like, several hundred pages of PMs if you could do that, thanks. Zim: Quick little update on the map, because I think it’s time that I’m honest with you guys, so all those guys that have left - HA! They missed out. Jackson: Oh yeah, they missin’ map! Cause I said that; It was a trick! Alright guys, so you guys get to hear what Zim has to say. Zim: So the map, is actually, I’m just gonna open up with you guys now - now that we’ve kinda gotten to a spot that I can. As you guys have known, it was supposed to come out a while ago - we were working with a guy named “Props”. There was a lot of issues. We’ve ended up chargebacking Props - we’re working on that. Props did not provide and the map that he did provide was absolute garbage. It was disgusting and you guys would not have liked it. It was extremely unoptimized it was so un- Joah: Oh hold on, well let me explain it! Jackson: Yeah Joah will give a quick description. Joah: Let me explain this to you guys, ok? So after fucking seven months of working with this fuckin’ potato shithead fuckin’ retard, ok? I look at this fuckin’ map - the Jedi Temple? IS FUCKIN’ BEAUTIFUL I went into - this is where I spawned, by the way. I walked into the Jedi Temple, I looked around, I was like: “Holy fuck, this is gorgeous.” - I walked outside and it was like looking at a fuckin’ 1960’S MOVIE It was a ripped fuckin’ version of like, basic texture ARRGHH! Jackson: So you guys, you guys know - you guys know that Jedi vs. Sith map? The “crystal caves” was literally just ripped from Ilum. The base itself - you know the Rishi moon base? It was literally that, and they reorganized the base and all the bunks and just moved it around.. and there was no walking path on the walls and it was bad, but there were a few things that we did manage to get out of it and we worked out a deal.. Yes, it took them seven months to do that and it’s very disappointing. But, the temple is beautiful. That’s the one thing that they did fantastic on. So, we decided we were gonna try and work with them on at least getting the assets they did do well with. Zim: ..and that’s done. Jackson: Yes. So the temple- Zim: I’ve gotten all the assets at this point. Jackson: The temple that is glorious in all of it’s, y’know, SWTOR-lookingness is ours. So we’ll be able to use that and there’s a few other things in the base that were actually, y’know, “customly” made, that we were able to get as well. So.. some of that is ours, which makes it a little bit easier but we’re gonna have to.. we’re gonna be working with - actually Zim if you want to go into what exactly we’re going to be doing cause I don’t wanna bullshit what exactly what we’re doing. Zim: Ok, so we have a few options. Number 1 is there’s that beautiful map that we were on that’s terribly optimized, we’re gonna see if we can optimize that. Python said he was working on it, so we’ll see where that goes. If that doesn’t go somewhere good, we’ll be looking and finding a new custom map or someone that can just really do a good optimization; We’ll see. I’ve met actually a lot of mappers while working on SCP, so hopefully I can hop into somebody and see if they can help out there. What I have retrieved from the custom map is the custom ewok forest, the barracks, Palpatine’s quarters are all there and beautiful, and also the Jedi Temple - so we will be keeping all those assets for our custom map. So, hopefully within the next little bit, these things should all be getting updated. Meaning, things should actually be - like, with all these assets, we should have a nice kick-off start. Because now, we don’t need our mapper to work on any of that stuff and let’s say we do end up going and working on modifying that map that Python had that we had tried to move to, then we only have to move assets in and optimize. It should be - should be.. significantly better. ..and yes, I got a new mic. So, if there’s any questions or concerns, feel free to do a PTS. We’ll do a PTS line here in a second. Jackson if you wanna do that just cause I am, half prepping for work right now and dealing with a couple of dev things for the optimizations. Jackson: Ok, so I’m gonna put the line down and then I’m gonna put another one to stop the PTS. So, be ready. Jesus. Alright. Let’s get started. Fedex\Jem/Violet: Uh nevermind. Nevermind. Jackson: Oh, ok. That’s one forfeited. Go ahead, Italy. 104th ARC SFC Italy: Ok. One, I think now the spawns for the Jedi Temple for the crystals and hilt - I think that should just be removed now cause it’s like super slow and no one enjoys it anyways, plus people get pissed when they get stuck in the props or whatever they’re called. Second, have you taken a look at Scribbles - his suggestion for the new map, I mean god. That Venator was beautiful. Joah: Can you link it? I can tell you if it’s shit or not just be looking at it. Square: It’s the new Venator map that was linked linked by uh- Jackson: The one that Nuclear made. Joah: Are you talking about Nuclear’s one? Zim: Yes, he’s talking about Nuclear’s one. Joah: That one’s unoptimized. It only gets 150-200 FPS on Single Player. Imagine 128. Zim: ..and it’s garbage. 104th ARC SFC Italy: Yeah, ok. Jackson: Alright, then... next we have, Timmy. 327th JT CSM Timmy: ..Yes? Ok so I have one question too a little bit about the Jedi stuff. You said about Jedi stuff getting “fixed”, does that include the broken white crystals that have been broken for ages? Zim: It should, yes. Theoretically. 327th JT CSM Timmy: HELL YES. Jackson: There’s a bunch of things that we’re hoping just get magically fixed with this, but we’ll see. Most of it should be fixed with it, so. 327th JT CSM Timmy: Ok one other thing - does the “Dante” hilt still exist in the drop pool or is that completely removed? Jackson: The what hilt? 327th JT CSM Timmy: The “Dante” hilt - it’s like a 3 pronged pike? It’s not the cross guard hilt, that the Jesus hilt or whatever. Zim: I know what you’re talking about. Joah: Pretty sure that needs to be spawned. Zim: Yeah. 327th JT CSM Timmy: Ok. Got that. Zim: Not sure though. Jackson: Kay. Code Red? Go ahead. SO SGT CodeRed: So, what will be the - like, what’s the estimated time of getting the new map? Cause, I don’t know if I hear anything about that. Jackson: The issue if we give another estimated time and there’s another complication it is just- Joah: (Joking) June 1st. Jackson: ..it’s just gonna be more - it’s just gonna be more disappointment. Imagine we said “Oh it’s gonna be December 1st” and then it ended up - that’s not a real approximation by the way - and then it ends up being like, 3 months out for that, that would be.. Zim: You doomed us, Jackson. Jackson: What? Zim: You doomed us, now they’re all gonna say it’s December 1st. Square: December 1st? Oh ok! SO SGT CodeRed: December 1st now. Zim: See? There it is. Look what you did. Jackson: Oh oh there you go, it’s fine. SO SGT CodeRed: It’s predicted. Jackson: But my point is, it’s just gonna be disappointment in case there’s complications so we would prefer, when we have a guaranteed time zone of when it’s going to come out - is when we tell you guys. Cause otherwise, it’s just - everyone’s gonna be.. sad. Ok? Zim: Can I just, let you all know - cause this’ll brighten up your day, I just saw somebody drive down my street in a Wal-Mart cart, towing somebody else in a wheelchair. So I don’t think it gets much better. Joah: You know what - you know what’ll brighten up everybody’s day? Up? SO SGT CodeRed: Can we get a video of it? Joah: SCP IS COMING. Jackson: Oh that’s gonna be fun. Zim: Ya. SO SGT CodeRed: Who’s gonna be running SCP? Like, who’s gonna be the Head Director? Zim: Uh, probably gonna be Vince, but we’ll see, it’s kinda up for debate right now. Joah: Get ready for me to drag your D-class ass right off to fuckin’ 173, you’re gonna have a good day. Jackson: Alright, go ahead Korm. Korm | Kal: Alright, so. Hold on, I was gonna say something and forgot. Hold on, one second. Zim: Be right back, one sec. *mic fumbling* Korm | Kal: Alright so, but the um - actually my question was answered so I’m gonna go and take it back. About the map and bla bla, so yeah. Take it off. Jackson: Ok. Uh, Dolvek? Go ahead. DU Jedi SHKI / Doom SFC Dolvek: SMR, Yeah so it was about the crystals. Jackson: Oh, ok. Zim: *mic fumbling intensifies* Jackson: *incoherent* Joah: CP 420? Wut. Zim: 420J, my guy. Jackson: Oh, he left. Oh that’s.. Cool. Alright, Yeti. I’ll just give it to you, since we lost like 3 PTSes. Joah: *hiccup* 41st EC SUP MSG Yeti: *silence* Zim: ASMR. Jackson: No? Zim: Yeah. 41st EC SUP MSG Yeti: Is it - so is it going to be Kamino or Venator? Cause I kept seeing Kamino in the chat. Jackson: That’s just people spamming different things. We want it to be - the actual new map goal is a new ground map, we don’t know if- Zim: Probably a forest. Jackson: Well yeah, obviously. I was gonna say, I don’t if we would want to switch [to] another Venator. Cause it’s just - we’d have to make sure it’s actually well optimized and that one that Scribbles posted, as Joah would say, is- Zim: ETA on optimizations.. I have a guy working on it right now, it should be done really soon. Jackson: There you go. Zim: He’s already finished the game mode optimizations, he’s working on King David sabers and then he’s finishing up with TFA’s base. Jackson: Ok. I think that was all the PTSes in the line and one right under it. So, anything else Zim? Zim: No, I have to get ready for work - so I just wanted to do a quick meeting. Jackson: Ok, well uh- Zim: Unless anybody has anything major. Jackson: That’s pretty much everything. Ok guys, so congratulations again to Square. Go be free and go have fun. [ END ]
  13. Acid


    -1 Blocking off 1st floor was a mistake. It not only filled comms with confusion during the important start of the event, but it was also a blatant violation of the Gamemaster Rules & Regulations, as bunks were touched by being blocked off with props : "The Training Room (or TR room), and the bunks are not to be touched during events. Do NOT spawn NPCs anywhere near where CC's are trained. Event Jobs are not allowed to go into or fight in these areas and NPCs or other harmful entities are not allowed in these areas." .. and was arguably in violation of Synergy Roleplay Rules for Game Masters (Section H, 1) : "You cannot force a player to participate in your event." If people log in and are blocked in bunks for the duration of your event, they are inadvertently being forced to participate in your event by staying in bunks until it is over and they get unbarricaded after about 1.5 hours.
  14. Acid

    Event Video

    Hey guys, I've never really done YouTube stuff all that much, but we recently had an event (Scribbles Infection base) where I just couldn't resist the urge to put recordings I got from that night together into something. It was pretty late at the time, so many probably weren't able to attend the event - so for those who missed it, the video should be especially entertaining, cause our lovely community took this event in a freakin' amazing direction. Idk if I'll make more like this one in the future, but I hope y'all enjoy this one! Big thanks to Scribbles for setting up the event and to my RANCOR brothers, Hammer and Billsiff. ❤️ You can view the AAR of the event from the video here . We will never forget you Mad Scientist Xarfix.
  15. +1 A bit confusing to know what was going on initially, but the event kind of took on a rather dark life of it's own and became pretty incredible.
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