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Posts posted by Venom

  1. 11 minutes ago, Fizzik said:

    You see I thought that was the Venom I'm thinking of now .-.

    I was Jaing when the server first started, then moved to Fi when we moved to the Venator from Rishi base. I never really had a leadership position, and yeah there are two Venoms lol. Its me and then theres TJ, TJ was the one who actually was in Null and got leadership positions. I was mean on the forums a long time ago, I dont blame you for not remembering since I was kindof a rando yelling at someone far above them at the time.

  2. Howdy, people may or may not remember me, I was the very first Jaing for null when the server first split off from Icefuse nearly 4 years ago, and I tried to help manage the somewhat strained relationships SOBDE and the rest of the Battalions had at the time. I made some questionable decisions and got myself banned from the forums, but Im glad to have my ban lifted so I can see how the server is doing and all the new people who keep the dream alive. 

    • Winner 2
    • Confused 1
  3. Hey boys, post some music to listen to since Ive been using it as background noise. Been shutting myself in lately and since I hate complete silence music is a nice filler.

    In return I will post some I personally enjoy incase anyone hasnt seen.

    This isnt a place to judge music taste, I will listen to anything you post. But please refrain from meme stuff and post actual music.

  4. Needing a medic isnt some pansy shit, you are a fucking injured soldier and need attention to get back into the fight. Helping that injured soldier is a fucking medics JOB.

    As Fi when people screamed at me I said "Shut the fuck up Im coming pussy." and I healed them, or I healed them before they even CONSIDERED screaming for me. Never once got offended because I learned to sling my own shit right back because I have a pair of balls between my legs.

    Do your job and do it proud.

    • Agree 1
  5. Fido, I will say this like I said to plenty of other people. If you are getting burnt out then resign, no use in dragging your squad, the position, and yourself down if you feel like the server is a chore.

    I am neutral, but I will say that Fido did not have many activity problems when I was Fi, if anything it was Rush who I was always yelling at.

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