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Everything posted by Slate

  1. +1 great guy,Would be great at staff
  2. +1 Great guy,would be a great addition to staff
  3. Name:104th MEDL SGM Slate Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:28850943 Staff Rank:Admin Were you VIP:yes Date:12/19/18 Reason for leaving: When i originally applied for staff i was unemployed and had alot of free time on my hands. I now have a full time job and dont have the time to do branch work and whatnot so id rather save a little face and resign before im removed.
  4. I never realized you basically make a server desktop shortcut...thank you for this.
  5. Slate

    The apprentice war

    -1 Everything was overpowered for the amount of people that were on.
  6. +1 hes ready and has been doing awesome as XO in the mean time.
  7. +1 idk about this mingey stuff but my few interactions with him hes has always been helpful and cool.
  8. +1, Something fun to do in the morning when no one was on.
  9. Honestly thats why i did this too,I wanna branch out and meet more people in the community which is somewat difficult to do on the server do too timezones and trainning etc. etc.
  10. RP Name: TR 104th MEDO SSG Slate Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:28850943 VIP (Y/N): N Age:26 Timezone:Eastern Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Honestly I really enjoy admin work and would absolutely love helping out a community i have come to enjoy playing on. Unfortunately I don't have the money to donate so i offer my services as an administrator. I want to help deal with the minges and rule breakers so other admins can focus on helping GMs or battalion sims. I have noticed i am active during off hours when there isnt alot of admins and feel i can help watch the servers when other admins need to sleep or work etc. I have a very open schedule so i would be able to be on whenever might be needed. I also feel like i am a very patient gentle person and would be perfect to help new players get used to the server. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I have been playing various different source games for about 12 yrs now. I have been an Administrator on serveral diffrent CS:S Servers and have even owned my own successful communities in the past. I absolutely love helping people and like too try to explain stuff and teach players rather than punish them depending on the severity of the rule they've broken. I live in the united states and am extremely flexible of when i can be on and 9 out of 10 times i am merely a poke away if im not on. Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes I have been an admin on several different Gmod and CS:S Servers even owned my own communities. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server?: 297:38:14 Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: No
  11. Some of you may know me..some of you may not. I go by Slate in the server and just kinda wanted to say hey.
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