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Everything posted by Banjans

  1. +1 It's been a long time since I seen a bunch of active GM's. A new BCMD would help revive the battalion.
  2. Banjans

    GAMR'S Staff app

    Wait is this 187th GAMR? When the fuck did you come back?
  3. I have a bad feeling about this.
  4. I think that senior guy is gay
  5. +1 For the sake of my fucking vision. I don’t want to be set on fire again.
  6. +1 Naval have become so inactive that Avavel has had to spawn in Naval NPC’s.
  7. I actually have no clue how I got the name Banjans. I’ve just had it for a long time. My picture was from a YouTuber that I used to watch when I was younger.
  8. @Stern Someone else already suggested this exact same thing a few days ago. Look a few down from where yours is posted. So idk if you to keep this.
  9. Fucking +1 I have almost gone mad using our current system.
  10. Glad to hear you are having fun.
  11. +1 give him a second chance.
  12. Neutral, Looks pretty cool and could increase battalion engineers. The con is it can easily be used for spamming and other types of minging.
  13. RIP 104th's 3rd bunk the CSR
  14. RIP, I only talked to you a few times when you were in the 104th channel but you seemed like a cool guy. Sad to see you leave.
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