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Posts posted by Bacoon

  1. -1 while we do need more game makers, we need more game makers that are creative and can come up with a fresh event. With the event you put on there it just seems like a generic unoriginal event.

  2. Can't give out my full opinion until i see both sides but from what i can see here you got demoted for something that seems like banter between friends and someone took that out of context. PEOPLE NEED TO UNDERSTAND TO GET BOTH SIDES BEFORE MAKING A DECISION OR THEY BETTER HAVE SOME REALLY GOOD EVIDENCE THAT'S UN-EDITED.

    • Agree 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Hudson said:

    I'm gonna get a LOT of flak for this one but...


    I love you Zander bud, but you're a TR2. The minimum requirements for the application state CPT+. 

    It's not that you aren't a great leader at all, because you are. It's really due to the fact that you don't qualify in that way. At the end of the day it's up to Community decision and an interview, but I stay unbiased even in the case of a friend applying.


    Medic said he was allowed to apply  >.>

  4. 1 hour ago, Jax said:

    -1 as before mentioned, none of the 91st knows you. One of the most important parts of applying for commander in my opinion is having a previous relationship with members of the battalion. The battalion just won't respect someone who comes in and changes things.

    - 91st 2ndLT Jax

    I know chew :)



    -91st TR2 Bacoon

  5. Your evidence doesn't support your claim at all so you don't have actual proof of what happened. You need ether video proof or a screenshot of the RDM log and giving them weapons. Your screenshot shows that yes he cloaked and there was a sim, that's it.




  6. 1 minute ago, Destin said:

    Did you even read the post? Just because an appeal of mine has been denied before does not change the contents of this appeal. 

    But your trying to be unbanned for the same thing that was already confirmed that it's not getting removed.

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