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Posts posted by Bruiser

  1. Name:Bruiser

    Event Name: Chip Malfunction

    Summary of the story line (The Game Maker who chooses to run this event should contact you for more info): basically it is the episode of Clone Wars when Tup Shoots Tiplar ( S6 EP1). So we go to event server by the command of Anakin or just someone high up. Everyone goes on DU and 501st jobs, including Tiplar and Tip lee ( using Body groupers on Jedi).  Tup shoots Tiplar, killing her. They RP about whats wrong with Tup, and interrogate him. They find his chip had an malfunction. This all happens while we shoot droids. Oh yeah and Tup's chip also starts talking to him and telling him to kill Jedi, so he can RP about that too. It all goes down on a CIS ship.

    Jobs Required) Tiplar Tiplee Tup DU 501st Doom Rex Anakin Fives. CIS commander/Senetor, just use civilian job 

    Vehicles Required: N/A

    Map being used (If applicable for event server): CIS ship or venetor what ever works best

    Any additional information: going to be fucking lit

  2. RP Name: 91st ARC MSG Bruiser /DU SH KI Bruiser

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:438339410

    VIP (Y/N): Yes

    Age: 14

    Timezone: MST

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be an Administrator to help the community as a whole. I wish to help the current staff team as well. I want to show people what I can do work wise.  I might not have the best past on the server but I wish to turn my reputation around. I feel like if I achieve staff to help me earn my reputation back. With my work in the staff team it will help shape the  community into a better place. I want to eventually host events and encounters to give the people who attend a good experience on the server, and to new people to get them back here. In a whole I hope to help the server and turn my reputation around.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a 14 year old kid who loves video games, sports, and hunting. I tent to play on the server a lot, I also like to participate in event jobs. When I am on the server I like to RP and talk to people. I stick to my word and like to get things done. If you put something in front of me I will do it, unless it is stupid.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes on a few small servers, and yes they are REAL. Evil Yoda Networks, Immortal Jedi Versus Sith

    How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  1096

    Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) Nah

  3. RP Name: DU ENGL 2ndLT Bruiser

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:438339410

    Age: 14

    Timezone: MST 

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be an admin so i can really help myself and the community. I want to become pat of the synergy family and to be able to help others.   I wish to become an admin just to entirely help the server and the community in general. I am currently a 2nd Lt in DU and a ENG L.  I want to potentially host events and encounters. If I where to become staff the events would be based so everyone could participate. As a staff member I could also help my battalion with trainings and simulations. As a admin I could take care of myself instead of bothering other admins. As a whole I just want to help the community out.


    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):  My name is Nate. I am a willing  and helpful 14 year old kid that can have a good time. I can be serious and handle sticky situations. I wrestle, play football, hunt, play baseball and like to hang out with friends. 

    Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes On Many Servers. Revolution RP, Evil Yoda Networks, Immortal RP.

    How much playtime do you have on the synergy server?: 723 hours

    Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: NO

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