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Everything posted by silvers

  2. Yeah man, like I said. I was trying to get more action but things went downhill realllllyyy fast. It was supposed to be short and sweet because there was a lack of main events today, and we would have commando droids have high health the fight the players but then they all got arrested and stuff lmao. But this was a learning experience for me! Hope my next event will have everyone satisfied!
  3. Name: Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Alexz, Orlando, Pratt, Dolvek (Pratt shadowed me) Event Name: Senator Blackmail Summary of the story: Senator Orlando comes in the resolute with a LAAT and a group of CTs. He holds a medal ceremony and does diplomatic things in the ship until, during the ceremony he reveals he has bombs attached to himself and across the ship with the help of Commando droids. He was actually blackmailed by the CIS forces, that if he didn't do as they were told, they would kill his family. During the Ceremony, the CTs aka Commando droids actually were placing bombs across the ship and the real clones must defuse those bombs. The bomb attached to the senator actually cannot be saved, it will blow up on him and he will need surgery for Med RP. What was the result of the event?: OHHH BOY IT FAILED AHAHHAHAH. We didn't even make it past the start of the medal ceremony before people were calling for defcon 5 and 3. But oh well, maybe I will save this for a later date... Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Was supposed to be a role play oriented, but it became more of a shoot em up but without NPCs.
  4. Name: Silvers/Randwack Who Helped: Logic, GoodTime, Squee, Bruiser, Gregor (Gregor Shadowed me) Summary of the Story: A group of bounty hunters and Asaj Ventress came in with the aid of CIS forces and commando droids in order to get holocrons from the Jedi Temple and some Intel from Naval and Senators. While the CIS forces attack the ship, they decide to kamikaze some of their ships in order to open up skygate. While this is happening. The commando droids are in 4th floor, heading into command/comms bridge to get a hostage. The bounty hunters and ventress are all in one ship boarding through the airlock. While the main forces are in MHB, the bounty hunters, Asaj, and the commando droids do the work by getting the holocrons and intel. However, Ventress was the only one who succeeded in the mission and left. There were still some ships out and they sent in their last troops to fight, as a last resort to attack the clones. Ventress left the space, but apparently there was a bomb attached to the ship, but she still survived. Result: Ventress got some holocrons, no intel gathered from Naval and senators. In short, Ventress succeeded, all other bad guys failed. This was more of a shoot 'em up to get people occupied with doing something in the server, and this was also my first ever event, so it was a lesson for me. I wanted some RP into it, which would make it lead into a deployment for other GMs to use as an idea, but in all it failed due to the bounty hunters and commando droids not gathering intel. ENDING NOTES: Yeah, the comms were kinda iffy from CIS, I talked with the guy and we both learned from our mistakes. Also, my bad for spawning some droids after the hips were gone Thank you!
  5. Well, I was a moderator of a Minecraft server when I was like a kid. I should also say that I was a staff member for that gmod server for around two years. I never really found it essential to be an admin for other games I usually play.
  6. RP Name: RANCOR MSG Silvers (With an S, not the naval RP guy) Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76712470 VIP (Y/N): N Age: 15 Timezone: PST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I've played on many Star Wars RP servers for around 2-3 years, and the administration for those servers were not as welcoming as this one. One thing that stood out to me was that this community was a mix of many other communities since many of these players came from their own respected communities, making Synergy very diverse, and I loved that. On my FIRST day with Synergy all staff members were incredibly helpful, from the New Admin to even Director. I want to do more than just helping people on the battlefield for the roleplay and making my batallion members happy, I want to make every single person on the server have only positive memories. I feel like I am obligated to give back to the community because of how welcoming all of you were to me, and now it is my turn to welcome the future of Synergy! Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I like to think of myself as a helpful person. I want to make sure the people around me are satisfied and happy with their experience with whatever they are doing. I am also capable of being strict when people go too far, in some cases. I also am very sociable, I like to get to know a lot of people in the bunks whenever I do tryouts for my batallion. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, but not in starwars rp. I was an admin in a Sandbox server, which some of their rules are similar to Synergy's rules, such as no racism. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close): 116:53:10 Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one): No. Thank you for reading! *edit: added RP name*
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