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Posts posted by Kurt

  1. I'm going to +1 this suggestion not because I personally want SO back but just because of what it can bring back to the server. It helps GM's think outside the box as to creating events and such. However I understand the main issue with SO being the cloaks as @Conradhas pointed out. My time as BCMD and CMD Blackout there were some situations of minges being cringe with cloaking and yes it caused issues, but those issues were resolved once we knew what was going on.  SO will always be that odd group but it made the whole 21st feel different that the other battalions and weren't just a Purple/White 212th battalion. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Gadget said:

    I am only made about the decision and bit as I am the reason SO wasnt yeeted back in 2019.

    Love you gadget for this.

    I mean I remember back in those days with SO numbers and such. We were the late night players and not the active timezone players. But that's the past, and I'm not opening that can of worms again.

    But I do agree with Gadget on the fact that, unless he's lying to us, that nothing was communicated to him regarding this major change. Was the current Blackout or Jet notified about their characters getting chopped. Was one of the reasons because of the cloak mechanic, cause it would interfere with GM's running event? (It did for me so this is a genuine question) 

    Like I get you probably want to get a new Bacara in at the same time as this change to give it a fresh start, but this feels rushed or poorly executed. I completely agree with Daytona with the fact this needed to be done soon, but this wasn't the way to do it. 

    My 2 cents from a past SO BCMD

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  3. On 5/15/2022 at 12:33 PM, Spookz said:

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I want to rejoin because I miss doing Events and trainings for different battalions. I also missed helping and teaching NA about what to do before you ban/kick someone!

    I don't know. That only looks like 2 sentences. But hey +1 

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