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Everything posted by Asus

  1. +1 Zim can finally use a pilot job if we had one instead of using the Riot job
  2. Hey could you do something with Thire i really like your work no rush Also maybe add like Asus my Name
  3. Asus

    [FOUNDER] Map Change

    I feel like the map should be changed from Kamino their inst really anything we could do Must trials are gonna be postponed until map gets changed
  4. I would like to say as the Riot Lead of CG -1 because I don't feel like it is necessary and nor did you talk to me about making changes to the Riot.
  5. So no matter what direction you are facing it glitches in between north and the direct you are looking even if you are just sitting their @Forseen
  6. Its when you are flying in a ship
  7. Bug Type (Server:): CWRP Severity level (1-3): 1 Evidence (if you can): https://prnt.sc/kkf7iy ,https://prnt.sc/kkf88m Description of the bug: When you are in a ship the compass glitches out and basically goes back in forth from 365 to what ever Degree you are looking at How can we recreate it: All you have to do is just sit inside of a ship
  8. Big + 1 We could really use a dedicated and active leader not saying that the other officers are inactive because they are not they have a life and they get busy.
  9. First of all PTS is always active in DB and we give 2 adverts/comms Saying PTS is always active and when DB starts the person that leads DB says PTS is active It also says it on the door so you cant say that their is no warnings because their is.
  10. First of all we have to give warnings. We give 2 warnings and then on the 3rd time they do something wrong then they get arrested. We do not just arrest them on the first thing they do something wrong so why do you have to Lie.
  11. +1 YOU ARE AMAZING! No one better for the spot!
  12. RP Name: CG RT SSG Asus | Jedi K I Asus Steam ID: VIP (Y/N): Yes. Age: 16 Timezone: PST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to become staff because i like the community and I would like to help deal with situations. Also I have always enjoyed helping where I can. I would also like in the future to be a gamemaster and make events when people are bored. When i have dealt with staff they have always been very nice and understanding. Also I hate when people make a staff ticket but none of the admins will take it so i would like to be staff and help all the players in need. I would also love to help other staff members build dupes and also players that need them for training. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Cameron, I am 16 years old I live in Oregon. I built my first PC when I was 10 but never really used it. I built my PC that I have now in august I have always liked PC gaming more because there is so much more you can do on PC. I am always available because during school time I do Online school. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes. I have been staff on multiple servers. IFN: Admin FH: Co-Owner AN: Personal Supervisor How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? 265 Hours
  13. +1 I absolutely loved this event! You did great Max.
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