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Posts posted by Eduji

  1. Some of you probably remember me from, what must be by this point, a few years back. I've recently found myself feeling a bit nostalgic for all the time that I had spent on this server (and its predecessor), so I was thinking I may try my hand at it once again, though I'm not sure how long I'll last.


    From a brief stint I had on a few days ago, I was saddened to see so few familiar faces, though there were a few. Hopefully, in the time that I spend back on, I'll be able to meet some new dudes and visit some old buds. I don't know how committed I'll actually be to consistently playing on there server, but hopefully I'll be able to make the most out of the time that I'm back.


    Also, 91st for life.

  2. Dang, I'm kind of saddened by all the negative feedback you've gotten.

    While I personally haven't really experienced how you were while Admiral before (because I was inactive), from what I have seen, I have no doubt that yo would have at the very least been extremely dedicated to the position, just as you always have been - such as when you were in the 91st and the republic medics, as well as what I did see of you while in Naval.

    I'm not sure of how your recent activity on the server has been, as I haven't seen you while I've been on (but that could just be because I'm inactive as shit). But even if you aren't that active right now, I do believe that if you get the position, that you would make sure to be as active as possible.

    Overall, I'm gonna +1 you  over skeeti, partially becacuse I don't even know who tf he is.

  3. I would feel bad -1ing this, since that would honestly be a bit hypocritical to disagree with the re-addition of another battalion after mine just get added back, but I'm also not gonna +1 this. I honestly don't really recall all that much outcry from previous 327th members after their removal, and to me they seemed like a retirement battalion for long-time community members. So, I may be wrong on these things, but I'm still not really on the plus side for adding them back.

  4. Steam Name: Eduji


    RP Name: Eduji


    Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:87326678


    Battalion or squad you are applying for: 91st Neyo


    Experience: A very short list, as I've only been in the 91st (and now the 501st, though that barely counts). I first joined the server on December 12, 2016, and the day after that I joined the 91st. After that, I never seriously considered ever going to another battalion, as the 91st was my home - I'd sometimes say "I'm loyal to the 91st, not the people in it." And I've stuck through with that loyalty as much as I could, after many different occasions when the 91st was in jeopardy. I just realized this probably isn't the proper section for this spiel, so I'll just talk about more relevant stuff

    I climbed the ranks of the 91st several times, as I had to restart them several times. The first time was on Icefuse, I had gotten badly burnt out and I had a lot of stuff going on, so I resigned. When I came back, I was at PVT and I climbed the ranks back up to officer - which is when the split to Synergy happened, and I was promoted to CPT. After that, I made my way up to Commander. But, once again, I was burnt out, so I willingly asked for a demotion and got sent down to CSM. However, as I have no respect for that rank, I demoted myself to Private, after which I somehow got back up to 2ndLT, which is where I am now. I excluded some details, and probably forgot some, but you get the gist of it.

    In short, I've been a high ranking 91st a lot.


    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: Like I said, I have seen the 91st at its best, and at its worst. I've seen many different commanders for it and I know how it works, and how it doesn't. I would work to combine the best aspects of each of these, and remove the worst (vague, am I right?). Basically, the 91st has often had problems with recruiting people. We would need to reach out to people who know the best ways to recruit people, and use more strategies than just commsing in that we're recruiting, because that honestly rarely works. Speeder training is also a big thing we'd need to improve on. Having consistent opportunities for people to train for it, as well as having it more organized. The leadership system that we used to have was flawed. We would have a single person who would never actually do training for their branch, then the branch would die, then the battalion would die. We need more people who can train for a specific thing, so that the absence of a single person wont totally butt fuck the branch. Coordination between different battalions is also very important. We need to build a good relationship with the other battalions, one such that we truly feel like brothers, not just brothers in arms. To do so, we would have to talk with their commanding officers and make several different agreements, such as: Training together, working together during events, friendly interactions on ship, etc. NEXT, the docs that we have would need to be refined. I am still in possestion of several docs that we used to use, but they were not very well distributed. It seemed like everyone had their own way of doing things, with no regard for how the BCMD wants it done (I know I did). This makes for a very not unified battalion, which ends up with people leaving to go elsewhere. I had seem many hopefuls leave for different homes because they wanted a better RPing experience, which the 91st was never really able to achieve. We need to be more strict, we need more unification, we need more organization, we need help.


    Disclaimers: I am not the best choice for commander. I am writing this application purely as a backup for if no one else worth shit applies. I can not effectively revive a battalion, and I have no experience leading an entire battalion. I go inactive often, but I would try my damnedest to not do so if I'm commander Neyo. I titles this application as "semi-serious" just so that people know I am not the best candidate. I saw that Medic is running. I am positive he is a better choice.


    Q and A:

    Will you go inactive?   Possible

    Are you dedicated to Synergy?   Somewhat

    Will you uphold all of the rules of the server?   Partially

    Will you be able to revive the 91st?   Doubtful

    Do you have the experience to run an entire battalion?   Probably not

    Do you care about the date of the 91st?   Yes

    Should you be commander?   No



    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yeperoo, I even have a bit of an in-character speech planned out for if I ever get Neyo.


    Availability: IDK man, I'm inactive AF right now. I'd probably be more active if I got Neyo, but no promises.


    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: since its beginning. Was on Icefuse since December 12, 2016.


    Do you have a microphone?: yea


    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Alive


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I would hope that I would actually get removed if that happened. I've been through too many commanders who went inactive, and we were left leaderless for weeks (this is what kills battalions). Even if they don't die right during that, death comes soon. but yeah i understand.

  5. Gosh, nowadays jet pack are just being given out like candy with whole squadrons getting them. WIth the 91st, we had to fight tooth and nail to get a single job with jetpacks. And then we got removed.


    Anyways, I'll say that I'm neutral. Jetpacks should be a bit more of an exclusive thing.

    • Agree 3
  6. -1 TBH this is really stupid. Restricting when people can do tryouts? That would just end up in people getting in dumb shit arguments like "our battalion is only dying because we have a bad day" for the schedule - and that argument would probably at least be somewhat true. People play more on different days. If only certain Battalions could tryout on Saturday, them they would end up with the most recruits because the most people play that day. And limiting it to only 3 battalions that can advert at a time? That would easily end up with a couple battalions not being able to, as all the others would claim the spots for advert immediately, right when it becomes available - and it would also be a nightmare to track how many are doing it, who can do it now, etc, etc. I agree that the tryouts system maybe isnt the best, but there's really no good way to fix it.

  7. 1 minute ago, Woody said:

    So I have some bad new....

    My game crashed and it corrupted the save. Even worse bad news it was Ironman so there's only 1 save of the entire campaign. So in other words I have to start over. Good new everyone gets a second chance!

    Oh shit man, that sucks. But the second time often ends up better, at least cause you can make it more organized.

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