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Posts posted by Eduji

  1. What rank do the Nulls and RC equal? I looked at the rules and it said this: "Null-Class Commandos only report to their Squad Leads (Ordo & Kal) or Regimental Commander+. Can not overrule Senate orders," but it doesn't actually say who they can order around. Often times they like to yell at people to get out of IR or something, but up to what rank actually has to follow their orders?

  2. Exactly what power do navals have? Because often times, no matter their ranks, it seems that they get away with ordering anyone around no matter our rank. I get they they would be able to do shit for controlling the ship, but when a PO3 disagrees with a Commander on how a threat should be dealt with, why the hell would the equivalent of a TR2 be the one who decides? I just want a clear definition of the differences between the Grand Army's powers and the Naval's power.

  3. RP Name: Eduji

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87326678

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Timezone: EST

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator:

    Despite there being many admins for Synergy, I've run into times where there weren't any active ones, usually in the mornings. This coupled with the fact that there aren't many CG on in the morning can result in the server being overrun by minges. I'd just like to try and make it a bit more orderly, ensure that everything goes well and that crimes don't go unpunished just because there's no one there to deal out teh punishments. I'd also like to be able to make and spawn thing for sims or tryouts. I'd also like to become a Game master sometime, so that I can give people thing to do, even at times when the server is kindof empty (like the mornings). Overall, I'd like to help make the server a more fun place with less minges.

    Tell us a little about yourselfb:

    I have been a member of the Clone Wars RP community for over half a year now. I started out on icefuse, and joined the 91st on my second day (after failing 212th tryouts and failing to even find the DU tryouts). The only other battalion that I've been in is the 101st on my second clone back on Icefuse. I won't be able to be active late at night or in the middle of the day because of college.

    Do you have any previous staff experience?

    Applied for staff on icefuse, was denied. Does that count?

  4. +1 Zander was in charge of the 91st before i even joined the server, and from what I've heard it was a very prosperous time for us. He is what we need to restore the 91st to its former glory. He definitely has the experience, etc, etc.

  5. -1 You're great raider, but you're only a SGT3 SMB (just got informed that he was promoted) and haven't been in the 91st for too long. You've been putting in a great deal of effort into the 91st in the short time you've been here, but I believe that we need someone who is more acquainted with leading the 91st

    Edit: To be fair to raider, nowhere that I could find does it actually say that you can't comment on other commander's applications. Most people just infer that it's still a rule from Icefuse.

  6. Now that it's out, my hatred for the venator has been rekindled. It's full of long hallways with the constant clank clak sound of walking. There are only two ways to get the the second floor, either go all the way down the ship twice, or try and use an elevator that is just plain terrible. Then there are the battalions that are stuck in terrible bunks that you have to walk forever to get to the end of their hall, such as the 91st's bunks. And then for battalions like the 91st, whose whole purpose is Speeders and Recon, the venator is your worst nightmare, as you can get neither of those things, which makes it so that your battalion has no appeal to new recruits (our boring skins don't help either, thankfully we will have new skins eventually). There's also the matter of it being just plain boring. On Rishi, if you were bored, you could go on a scouting mission and run about the vast planet that you were on (it was even better on Kachiho, with trees and grass). On the venator, you have walls with the occasional glimpse at stars through a hanger door. Jedi and sith can easily massacre you in the small hallways, especially since there's no skill system ATM to raise your health. This only begins to describe how much I hate the venator, especially since the 91st is almost certain to become nearly a dead battalion here. 

    Also, why the fuck do Torrent Company and those other squads get their own big bunks, when the 91st battalion (a full group, not just a squad of no more than 10) get stuck in a tiny room at the end of the hall? It just makes no fucking sense.

    copied and pasted from my comment on another post

  7. Now that it's out, my hatred for the venator has been rekindled. It's full of long hallways with the constant clank clak sound of walking. There are only two ways to get the the second floor, either go all the way down the ship twice, or try and use an elevator that is just plain terrible. Then there are the battalions that are stuck in terrible bunks that you have to walk forever to get to the end of their hall, such as the 91st's bunks. And then for battalions like the 91st, whose whole purpose is Speeders and Recon, the venator is your worst nightmare, as you can get neither of those things, which makes it so that your battalion has no appeal to new recruits (our boring skins don't help either, thankfully we will have new skins eventually). There's also the matter of it being just plain boring. On Rishi, if you were bored, you could go on a scouting mission and run about the vast planet that you were on (it was even better on Kachiho, with trees and grass). On the venator, you have walls with the occasional glimpse at stars through a hanger door. Jedi and sith can easily massacre you in the small hallways, especially since there's no skill system ATM to raise your health. This only begins to describe how much I hate the venator, especially since the 91st is almost certain to become nearly a dead battalion here.

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