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Everything posted by Life-

  1. Thank you very much. And i promise i will not fuck up again
  2. Thank you very much. And you are very correct, i learned from my mistakes.
  3. I totally understand that. Also not to sound rude or anything but how is it running from punishment? if they wanted to punish me they would've blacklisted me. And the reason i resigned was to not cause drama and to not make a big scene out off it. Also because i again didn't want to Put the Staff Team in a bad position and make bad reputation for staff's. Also if resigning from staff and leaving all the hard work i'd done Behind isnt punishment idk what is.
  4. Im pretty sure what i said was: I will resign so that i can proof that im really sorry for what i have done, and i dont want to cause drama. Also i would face the punishment, I just didnt want at the time to be a bad picture in staffing. And i didnt want to bring bad shade to the Staffs. for my mistakes. And i really am sorry for the way it looked, but yes that was a little open up on my thoughts when i resigned. Also i really Have learned that running form things as it may have seemed like is not the way. But this is not a debate thank you for being honest
  5. Will do thank you <3 or wont do? i cant english good rn
  6. - RP Name(s): TR Fleet MED PO3 Josh, TR Jedi Padawan Josh,TR RANCOR PVT Josh. - Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:19107244 - Age: 14 - Timezone: GMT+1 - Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to beocme a administrator because i really do like the community. I once before were staff but i screwed up badly. I resigned because off this reason and i really regret doing it. I loved being a staff and helping people. I've learned from my mistakes and i'd never do it again. I love helping out people and i love playing on the server. I never reached the position off a Game Master, which was my main goal within' Staffing, It was to make events, Keep the server going, Making sure people didn't get bored, Make sure that there is more EU Events especially. I've got to know the server better and i know what to do when and why which before i was still kind off new to the server and was still learning the rules off the server. I now know that shooting someone back or anything like that is not okay, and i should have known that when i got arrested. I have taken my time to settle back down after the bad event happen and i feel as if i miss Staff Very much, The server is a big part off my daily life i spend alot off time on the server and all i want to do is play and have fun. I have been trying to Find my place on the server since i joined and i feel that i have found it with Naval and my Jedi Padawan, I do my best to be serious when im on both off these Characters. - Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm 14 Years old, Im a boy, I've played video games for around 5 Years now. I got into playing Garry's Mod only for the Star Wars RP Feature, I've always loved Star Wars ever since i first watched "The Clone Wars". I am a Aspie/autist, Aspie is a mild form off Autism which make me more aware off other people, it does not make me anything special it only explains why sometimes i do different things then others, It is NOT a excuse for me have done some bad things. But it explains that i have less energy then others, it explains that i think differently, You Can call it whatever you want its a diagnose not a handicap. It has its ups and downs. - Do you have any previous staff experience? New Admin - Synergy Roleplay
  7. Shockpoint you have to much time
  8. Best event description in a while
  9. Who would say no to Bazoo i mean cmon now. +1 1+
  10. When i try and change my Profile picture it with uploading a file it just opens a new tab with the picture, and when i import it by URL it says "This url is not accepted" I've tried with different pictures
  11. How do i upload a profile picture and change my name???
  12. Life-

    Blanks CIS

    +1.. However when a Game Master plays the Good Guy, The Bad Guy, And the CIS Comms, You know people are inactive
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