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Everything posted by BGCrafter

  1. Name: BGCrafter Who helped (If applicable): Lucifer Event Name: Dangerous Infection Summary of the story: Two acclamators got infected in an unknown way. Everyone was dead except for one Crew Member. He was taken to MedBay but unfortunately the infection spread throughout the Venator through the Ventilation system. The Medics had to find a cure for the infection and kill every single parasite on the ship. What was the result of the event?: The Server Crashed in the middle of the event. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role Play
  2. +1 Long and entertaining event!
  3. Name: BGCrafter Who helped (If applicable): Elijah Event Name: Planned attack Summary of the story: A stollen supply ship, sent by the CIS, arrived on the Republic Venator. Two Commando droids, disguised as a Clone Troopers, were sent with the ship. One of the Ammo crates contained an activated detonator which was set to explode 1:30 minutes upon the opening of the crate. The detonator was defused, the Commandos launched their attack and called for backup. 5 frigates in total (3 first wave and 2 second wave) warped in for reinforcement. One of the commando managed to steal some data from the bridge but he was later eliminated. The CIS attack forces were destroyed and the Venator was safe again. What was the result of the event?: The Republic venator succeeded in repulsing the CIS attack. (Republic Win) Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up.
  4. Name: BGCrafter Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Venator Inspection Summary of the story: A Republic Venator Inspector boarded the ship in order to make a routine inspection of the ship's systems and crew. What was the result of the event?: Successful inspection. Need of some Medical and Ammo Resupplies! Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RolePlay
  5. +1 Will be amazing to have a person like him in the GM Team
  6. I am sorry for that. That was my first ever event and I still dont know what to do in certain situations. One person came to me and explained it so I guess I will perform better in the future. Sorry for that again! ❤️
  7. Name: BGCrafter Who helped (If applicable): Heart Event Name: Unexpected Attack Summary of the story: The republic venator received a fake distress signal from coordinates near an astreoid field. They hyperspaced there to evaluate the situation. 3 frigates warped out of hyperspace out of nowhere. They attacked the venator, and boarded 2 Commando Droids and 1 Sith Lord. One of the commano droids planted bombs in the Engine room while the other Commando and the Sith went and captured a Naval personel. During the negotiations the Commando droid downloaded some of the data of the venator. Fortunately for the Republic, the Commando droid with the data was successfully eliminated and the enemies- DESTROYED! What was the result of the event?: Win for the Republic Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: I would say both
  8. Name: BGCrafter SteamID: STEAM_0:0:95152577 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 501st MEDL LTC BGCrafter has played for 786:11:35. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 6-7 How good are your Communication and Leadership skills?: I am able to lead an event... So I guess there wont be any problems managing an Event. After all, there is always something to improve. Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: YES Give us an Event idea that you would like to Produce: An Infected Republic personel has to be transported to a Space Medical Station. Unfortunately, they were ambushed by the CIS on their way to the Station. Their ship (LAAT or Nu-Class Shuttle) has been severely damaged. They need to land on the venator in order to stabilize the Infected Republic personel. He needs to be immediately transported to MedBay in order for him not to lose his life. Other than that, but the CIS have tracked the damaged ship on its way to the Venator. Now the troopers have one more problem. They have to eliminate the CIS frigates and ground forces and to safely transport the Infected personel from the MedBay to the waiting ship for the Space Medical Station! Place links below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional): I dont understand this soo... N/A I have decided to become a Game Master. I voided my last application but now the time has come!
  9. +1 Is it nice to be locked in brig?
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