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About Dingus

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  1. RP Name: TR RANCOR ARF SUP SSGT Dingo Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:14514594 Age:18 Gender: Male Timezone: PST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Through my time in this server I have grown accustomed to its community and the kindness or sometimes even the worst it can offer. I have staffed before and I’d like to think, (No matter how arrogant this is), that I have a good sense of judgment when dealing with minges and/or overall trolls of the like. I enjoy helping with events. A disadvantage I would have would be the major time difference between myself and other staff members, I say this as a courtesy as being three hours behind WITH school will hinder my ability sometimes. I want to do more server because I think that this is the best opportunity to help since the server is populated every single day. And honestly? Real Talk? I like to help people. It makes me feel good. It makes me feel like I matter even if for a moment. Kinda sad right? Though that’s what 2479 hours on a game do to a person. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I’m 18 years old, going to community college for general education so that I can transfer to a four-year university. Although I am still in High School I want to do something along the lines of cinematography or possibly even voice acting since I enjoy doing both. I also enjoy editing videos, hence the cinematography interest. Do you have any previous staff experience? I have previously staffed for Grox Gaming Kingdom RP, Gaminglight Star Wars RP, to which I was also the builder for some events. I was super admin of another Star Wars Server though it was more like regular Dark RP than the serious roleplay I see today.
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