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Everything posted by IKE

  1. Can we lock this already, jeez Louise spaghetti on cheese I spent Valentine’s Day on my knees.
  2. Sock have you considered becoming the new Jesus, I would love to see you and Ben shapiro in the same room, also nuetral because I have my head stuck in a lamp, and all I can do is look at my phone
  3. Monty is going to ddos the server
  4. No just get a higher up to tell them not to do it. If it they don’t obey that’s breaking a rule.
  5. IKE


    Let me get ma boy Ben Shapiro to explain it all to you. He is the Jewish god
  6. IKE

    Apex legends

    Titanfall 2 is on sale rn (what apex legends is based off of)
  7. These are just are just common facts
  8. Who will find it though? The Wookiee’s?
  9. TBH there’s some quality games, I just don’t know about them because I never watch TV which will show them in ads
  10. A sacrifice I’m willing to make in the name of pewds
  12. Thanks, I’ve had this problem for ages
  13. Steam Name: I saw scribbles do this RP Name: I saw scribbles do this Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞 Experience: I was in a lucario porno Why should you become Base Commander?: lucario porn Do you understand the purpose of BO on the server?: I saw scribbles do this Availability:I am currently drinking bleach Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server lucario porn star: Do you have a microphone?:I saw scribbles do this Where do you want the Base Ops to be at the end of your term?: I saw scribbles do this How do you plan to change the Base Ops under your command?: lucario porn Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:ur bath is warmer if you out a toaster in it Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Base Commander rank?:marshmello is in Fortnite --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. I was there for yh event and it wa insane
  15. +1 didn’t use it in malicious intent. Rules for banning it is if they use it in a malicious way that’s when they are banned
  16. +1 idk bout ur activity on the server but u were a naval not a part of the team who were around when the removal happened.
  17. Wut. No one would ever -1 for that
  18. This should’ve been done earlier but @Perri @Striker can we also get your side of the story because right now it’s a game of he said she said
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