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Posts posted by Fours

  1. I might be a little biased since I've known Dargon since before the server started, but he's one of the originals. I remember how he was one of the most heard of voices (and not just because he has a deep ass voice) that supported the creation of this server and community. Dargon is a cool person to just chill and talk to, something I can't really say about a majority of the people today.

    Yeah, the whole Jek thing was bad and what everyone did then was bad, but shit. Everyone deserves a second chance, at some point at least, it is GMOD after all. Put yourself in his shoes, a good friend of yours gets banned from a server you play on, do you do nothing, or just act on instinct?

    People are scared to do anything and at least Dargon is being 100% honest in his appeal, which is a lot more than what I can say about people in general.

    So, I'm gonna +1 the boy.

    • Winner 6
  2. Lmao spooky you tardis. Honestly though I don't know why he was considered for a ban for that (from what I've heard). People over-dramaise the smallest of things. Spooky was with the community from the beginning, does that mean nothing to you?

    +1 r-tard

    • Funny 1
  3. Battalion: Delta Squad

    RP Name: Delta-38 Boss

    Date: 09/16/18

    Reason: This is for both staff and Boss. I'll be `100% here. I just really don't want to be active. I know I joined back randomly and just one month later I was in the exact position I left as. Which I never would have thought... but Metro was right in saying that going back to the exact same position or reasons, that it just burns you out twice as fast. I know I didn't do a very good job at all with Delta this time around, but I tried my best as lack luster as that was. It's not that I don't like playing the game, because I do, somehow... it's just I've got a long 4-5 years ahead of me with college and all, and I'm enjoying playing other games more. I'll still be on every now and then but I literally can't do anywhere here if someone expects me to be active 24/7, it's just quite bullshit to be honest... Oh well.

    Goodbyes: Don't really have goodbyes, it ain't permanent. It never really is. But I wanna share my appreciations to some people over the last few months.

    @Mishue Thank you for giving me the opportunity to rejoin and have a reason to play the server seriously again. You were a great Boss and a great friend. o7.

    @Bazoo You were a good Gregor and a great reg. I've seen the plague has smacked you as well. o7.

    @Prince You were the actual first person to welcome me back, during my tryouts, before I even passed. You were great in every SOBDE position you were in, you're a great guy and I've known you the longest since the first time we were on extensive. We should play SMITE some more sometime. I was sad to see you go. o7.

    @Faded You're doing great, you've got a solid squad. Just kinda tone down on some shit when people suggest or tell you to. You get too rowdy sometimes, it's not a good feeling for anybody. Good luck, o7.

    @Spooky You were one of the main reasons I stayed, you're a dumbass but you're funny as fuck. Good luck o7.

    SOBDE: @Andrews53@Twelves@Maymays@Nade Jones@Whisper@Cross@Derv@Dream@traditional@Acroc@Doc@Heart@Jorrdan@Keo (old Pheonix)@LixCoffee@Rezdor@Scribbles@Shakes.@Mishue@Bazoo@Prince@Faded@RANCOR Evans @Vaal@Punybob@MikeMemories with you guys are great, had our ups, downs, differences and agreements. All in all great people. Good luck to you all. o7.

    @Korm @Notadroid Welcome back. o7.

    @Derv@Acroc@Doc Great squad, couldn't have asked for much better honestly..... well... ;) o7

    @Illium We ranted and vented to each other quite a bit, and that was fun. Could honestly do with more ranting, it's a great exercise. Drama will be drama.

    There is a lot more people to mention so I really can't do it. But I will say this;
    If you have spoken to me in the past, know who I am and/or had a laugh about something with me, you're cool guys. I hope for the best for you all. o7.
    If you are someone who absolutely hates or despises me for whatever reason, I don't really care. It won't effect me and I'm sure you're cool guys too. Good luck.

    I was gonna call some people out on some bullshit but the extra drama is not needed. My drama can be saved for the pm's.

    So yea, that's that, if you wanna add me on steam, discord, or anything really, ask me. We'd have fun chats. 


    Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ThePotatoBlight/





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