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Nade Jones

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Posts posted by Nade Jones

  1. 1 hour ago, Scarecrow said:

    Meh would be unnecessary with MCC on PC could do any of the RP's on the actual game and with the addition of Mod's for it means that even forge will have npc's soon if thats a thing that people would want sure less people can be in the game at one time but that means RP's can be less cluttered and more focused for people 

    Theres no way forge could support upto 128 players tho

  2. Steam Name:


    RP Name:
    212th Commander Cody


    Steam ID (SteamID Finder)


    Battalion or squad you are applying for:

    212th attack battalion


    How many terms you've held the position?:



    Why do you wish to maintain this position?:

    I wish to maintain this position as I believe I am still in the process to develop a long term initiative in order to better the battalion structure and organisation, I have been making observation over the length of my term and I am trying to improve certain parts of the battalion by addressing the concern of my battalion and working alongside the High Command / Senior Officers to improve any flaws and faults.


    Current availability:

    Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays (Up until my ROA finished then I will be available all week)


    What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?:

    I believe I have made significant progress within the 212th and I am willing to divide it into section in order to explain how they have impacted the battalion.


    1. More transparency from the 212th High Command to the rest of the battalion - giving senior officers a say when it comes to promotions, warrant officer opinions etc, I try to regularly ask Senior Officers their opinion during 212th High Command meeting to create a more democratic feeling something which I thought was missing previously.

    2. A brand new commendations system which can be given out by Senior Officer for amazing work done by any troopers in an RP scenario - this new features enable troopers who show outstanding RP to be awarded in a way which brings them to the spotlight of high command and leads to further promotions.

    3. Discord structrual changes and general maintenance - I've managed to squash the 3 discords into just 2 and completely overhauled how roles work, cleaned up the majority of outdated pinned messages as well as updating the important info masterchannel which contains pretty much anything a new recruit needs to know

    4. brought back weekly credit giveaways to 212th members in our discord  - something we had under mamba not sure why it was removed but its a nice treat

    5. Changed the REGL title so it is not limited to Commander+ - we had our first ever none commander REGL recenlty this was a good decision as we were able to give an underdog the opportunity to hold the role which gives commanders more time to worry about other things

    6. abolished bi-weekly battalion meetings - to be hosted on demand instead of forcing them with not much to say

    7. Introduced a brand new NCO promotion requirements system which is soon to launch after mass feedback from NCOs, officer and Commander in order to make ranking up feel more progressive as opposed to just getting a recruit and waiting 5 days

    8. Currently planning on reworking the WO system including possibility of the authority of the position and its responcibilities.

    9. Supported a 212th Ambassador program which allows senior officer to join other battalions discord as "ambassadors" in order to be able to host trainings and do joint ops.


    What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?:

    1. 3 months ago I pledged to solve some issues surrounding officers, 3 months later I will admit this is an area that I've failed to improve, I do believe it has gotten worse due to me not being strict enough so I am afraid drastic action will have to come soon in order to resolve this.

    2. Building a strong NCO core - should be going to plan based on brand new NCO system which is soon to be in place.

    3. Posibility of supporting and raising money for some new models on the server for 2ndAC and GC

    4. any changes that seem fit at the time, I try to be as dynamic as I can shifting my focus from certain things to other based on the battalions needs at the time



    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



  3. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58484750

    RP Name: Commander Cody

    Battalion: 212th

    Who is in command until you return?: My Commander / Kenobi  (although I'm not gone I'll just have reduced in game time)

    Length of Absence: Up until Jan

    Reason: I work 24 hours a week on a christmas temp job, I am still available 24/7 on discord just my ingame activity might suffer a little 

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