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Posts posted by Whisper

  1. Steam Name: Whisper


    RP Name: Omega 36 Darman Skirata


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55591597


    Battalion or squad you are applying for: Omega Squad


    Experience: I have my fair share of experience with my 14 months on Synergy Roleplay. 


    212th - TR3 to CMD

    I was in the 212th Attack Battalion for 12 months, when i started in the battalion i felt like "the new kid" and i was basically a shut in, i rarely ever spoke let alone lead events. But over time i realized that the 212th was a big family and that i did not have anything to be afraid of, so eventually i started speaking and socializing with the members of the 212th, this was the biggest turning point in my "career", i soon found myself leading events, making new friends and having a better time overall. i served under 3 Commander Cody's, Blackmamba, CBlake and Perri. Most of the things i know today i learned during my time in 212th, i learned everything from how to march in a straight line, how to recruit, how to host a meeting, how to lead an event, but most importantly i learned that the battalion always comes first, over friendship, bias and favouritism. During my time in the 212th i slowly worked my way up the ranks and along the way i picked up roles like

    HVT: I was a HVT for a big part of my time in the 212th, as a HVT i slowly learned the basics of how to properly train people.

     2ndAC: When i got the rank of SFC i was offered a tryout for the 2ndAC so i thought, why not, but when the tryouts came around i learned a new lesson when i borderline passed them on a technicality, that it requires effort to get somewhere in the battalion and that if you want something you have to work for it. 

     ARC/ARCO: When i was going trough my ARC training, i learned a bunch of important stuff like leadership, combat tactics and most importantly i learned teamwork and when i got my ARC certification the battalion was low on ARCOs, so the ARCL observed me for a week or two and he deemed me worthy of the rank ARCO

     GCO: I worked my ass off as GCS, i helped with GC tryouts, i hosted trainings that were required for GC tryouts, i helped with doc work etc. When i got promoted to GCO, i helped the GCL with all kinds off stuff but the biggest thing was that me and him basically reworked GC together. I was basically the 2nd in command of GC. Getting GCO was a big part in my development as a leader

     Heavy Overseer: When i had spent months as a HVT i got promoted to the role of Heavy Overseer, i was there to keep the two offensive regiments in check (HVY and Combat Trooper) And to make sure that they had a good leader and a certain amount of trainers at all times. This is when i learned that the battalion goes over friendship and favouritism

    Advanced Recon Overseer: When i had been grinding as a GCO, ARCO and ARFO for weeks i was promoted to the rank Advanced Recon Overseer as ARO i oversaw ARC, ARF and GC in the 212th, it had the same responsibilities as a but on a bigger scale Heavy Overseer, just with different regiments and i held that position until i left the 212th

     Infantry Training Course Manager: As an ITM i was the trainer and overseer of ITRs (Infantry training trainers)

    I also achieved the Ghost Company lore names "Trapper" and "Wooley"

     It took me 10 months to go from TR3 to CMD, if you asked me now, was all the time you spent really worth it? I would say yes, even though it took a lot of my free time the battalion still shaped me and helped a big bunch and it also gave me a lot self confidence. During my time in the 212th i went from a shy and clueless CT TR3 who had never played CWRP before, to a battle hardened 212th Ghost Company commander with hundreds of battles and tons of leadership experience under my belt.

    Omega - CPT to XO
    When i decided that my time in 212th had come, so when i saw Nade/Former Niner adverting: OMEGA SQUAD TRYOUTS, TYPE I-RC IN OOC AND LINE UP AS CT PVT #### DARMAN.  I took the opportunity and i went for it, it is true that it was hard to leave the 212th but i felt that i needed some time away from it and i felt like i needed to see the server from a new perspective. And it was for the better, if i had to do it again i would. I have been in Omega Squad for 2 months now and during that time i have learned the ins and outs of Omega and SOBDE. I have helped with Omega squad tryouts multiple times and i have hosted them myself on one occasion under Nade/former Niners supervision and i do feel that i have developed a good sense of picking new members/sorting out the good from the bad. I have been the XO of Omega Squad for 1 month now and i have had many new experiences that have been good for my progression in the squad, SOBDE and in the server in general. I often find myself hanging out with other battalions too and i do tend to make some friends outside SOBDE. It was also in Omega i found joy in RPing a character with a lot of already existing lore.

    Jedi - Youngling to Padawan
    When i got VIP in late 2017/early 2018 (Don't really remember exactly when i got VIP) i immediately started studying for the youngling trials and i was really pumped about trying a new thing on the server that wasn't on my clone. When i had passed youngling trials i went on to become a consular i came in contact with pretty "deep" RP or at least that's what i thought of it back then, a couple of weeks later i went on to become a healer and that's when i learned how to keep a passive RP situation going trough improvisation.

    TR Program
    The TR program was my first contact with training people and it opened my eyes to a new concept that i had never been in contact with before and it got me hooked since i thought it was a lot of fun so it made me go on and get a number of different training roles in the 212th


    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
    I have learned a lot during my time in 212th and Omega and i have a lot of leadership experience and i believe that i'm ready to take on the role of the squad leader position of Omega squad. I understand what it means to lead Omega squad and i do have some pretty big plans for Omega squad.
    If i get the position of squad leader, then i will do my best to fill the shoes of the previous leader and i will also do my best to keep the standards of the squad and even improve them and i will do whatever it takes and work my ass off until i have reached those goals.
    I am also good at decision making and i will use that to help change the squad for the better. And i also do find that i have good relations and chemistry with my squad.

    I do believe that i have a good eye for new recruits that could be of benefit to the squad.
    I will not allow minging in my squad if i get the leader position, i will make it a lot more strict, but i do not believe in the "hardass" approach of Omega since i do think that that is over the top and i do still want it to be enjoyable to be in the squad


    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:
    Yes, i do indeed understand the lore of the squad


    If i do not have a big project, test or any other disturbances coming up then the times are stated below. (I live in the CET timezone)

    09:50 - 16:00/17:00 EST
    Tuesday: 09:50 - 16:00/17:00 EST
    Wednesday: 08:50 - 16:00/17:00 EST
    Thursday: 09:50 - 16:00/17:00 EST
    Friday: 09:50 - When i go to sleep EST
    Saturday: When i wake up - When i go to sleep EST
    Sunday: When i wake up - 16:00/17:00 EST


    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
     I connected for the first time 14 months ago but my playtime is 3617:30:43 i would guess that about 50-60% is real playtime the rest is AFK


    Do you have a microphone?:
    Yes i have a microphone


    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

    First of all: I will make sure that the squad is filled with good members at all times

    Second of all: I will eliminate the minging and the mingy reputation that we currently have

    Third of all: I will make sure that the squad is actively doing outreach and connecting and training with other battalions

    Fourth of all: I want the members of the squad to also have a voice on where the squad should be taken

    Fifth of all: I want the squad to be actively partaking in RP whenever the time comes

    Last of all: I want to get the members of the squad to actually be good at their designated specialization

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:
    Yes, i fully understand

    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:
    Yes, i fully understand

  2. This is so sad, can we hit that epic nae nae? Jokes aside, I have known you for a really long time, and we shared a lot of great moments during that time. And it's not gonna be the same without you. But i wish you the best of luck, have a good one.


    Thank you for your service o7

    I am going to miss you babes ❤️

  3. RP Name: Whisper

    Steam ID: WhispersId

    Age: 13 soon 14

    Gender: Male

    Timezone: CET

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to help the server out, and be able to help with everyday serverproblems like, helping someone get out of the floor or the roof, as well as making the server a better place.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a 13 year old, i spend most of my time on my computer, and i like the CWRP server.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes i do, i am an admin on an DarkRP server.

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