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Everything posted by MrLoeLoe

  1. +1 being a SUPL for CG this would definitely increase the amount of people who want to join CG and for people within CG to be DS Pilots
  2. Gameplay: 4 Care and Effort: 5 Server Performance: 5 Comments: felt pretty good, however for the majority of people it was just a shoot down the enemies sim, with some good tech stuff. felt like it needed a little bit more RP stuff in it.
  3. Gameplay: 5 Care and Effort: 5 Server Performance: 5 Comments: Really good and fun!
  4. Gameplay:3 This was the only issue for me, felt lost with what I should do, beside just shoot stuff. RP felt little to none. Just needs more juice either then that pretty good. Care and Effort:4 Felt like it was not a deployment you enjoyed doing. Server Performance:5 Good job no server lag.
  5. RP Name: Mr.LoeLoe Steam ID32: STEAM_0:1:120598820 VIP (Y/N): N Age: 22 Timezone: MST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): The goal is to be able to spawn droids/weapons/tools/vehicles…. Etc, for I can create more entertainments/trainings within the battalion I'm involved with. Also, this will allow my process of recruiting people into my battalion to be faster, being able to make changes such as [names, whitlists,....]. Furthermore the process of being a trainer for CRs will become easier as I can tp there when needed, rather than opening up the door and leaving it open, sometimes getting locked in, needing another admin to get me out. So far all my hours spent and will continue spending have been with CG, having admin will allow me to check logs, when needed to tell if someone has been RDMing, when some makes a RAOS. Also, being able to delete vehicles if someone is RDMing in them, being able to control negative behavior on the server. Overall, having the ability to save time for people/myself, have more entertainment for people on the server(as I would find this fun for me too), and to be able to handle people who break server rules. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Currently I live in Canada, and have so far my whole life. I plan on living in the Philippines by the time I'm 30 years old. Also I recently just graduated university with a degree in astrophysics, and I'm applying for work. I spend my off time playing games, going on walks/runs, swimming, and spend lots of time with my partner. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Last time I was a staff member on Gmod was about 8 years ago, for a Darkrp server. This just consisted of maintaining server rules; so banning people, kicking, and jailing, depending on the matter of the situation. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: [204:53:40] - 205 hours played on CWRP server.
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