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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by Smokes

  1. Name: TRO GM 4thO Commander Smokes Length of LOA : 1 day 2/3/2018 or at least most of that day. Reason : Marine Reason, personal Marine reason. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position : I;m not a Jedi, or RC or a Battalion Commander. I'm just a MARINE! Yes, yes I do. Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position? : Good thing I'm only gone most of tomorrow. Also Yes, Yes I do.
  2. -1 I enjoyed it continuously, but if you want us to fail, just shoot us in the face instead. If you're fearful of that ONE rocket that may upset the ship, don't use a TANK and B2 Rocket spam.... It was great, I'd like to see more. We tasted near victory of that phase,with forces already near depleted, overwhlemly powerful hostiles that brings me joy every one that was striked down by our blasters, more incoming from the rear, b2s apporaching, snipers, and more triffling yet we held until we could not. It was grand. To demoralize a army, put them through that. To uplift them give them a horizon to touch.
  3. 1+ Killed a lot of them.
  5. I have read through this document and am sadden, not for jealously, not for anything so petty, it is because when I joined GM I was able to know my regimental commander Gene more, and see him a lot. He gave us good training Sims, he had a strong interpersonal relationship with GM and his regiments, however when he was promoted AND the battalions shifted under different categorizations not under him, I have been unable to ascertain any form of his awesome training, encouragements, or advisory toward our battalion due to his dedication of helping the battalions under him. I do envy the battalions that he became in charge of because I knew they would have the best chance of actually growing, and overall become greater. Now he goes even further up the chain of command, in such a post, he may be able to assist in a grander fashion then before, taking time, training the regimental commanders and seniors to overall improve the garrison on the ship. In the end, with all the knowledge I know of him, that may even seem biased. I do approve of his tenacity towards good works for the army, his competence in understanding what battalions can utilize to improve themselves, and his level head that is always desired. That the only sad note is that I will not be able to have another great regimental like him. So, in sum, my approval will be for his increase of station towards Marshal. -Signed with respect -Lieutenant Colonel Smokes of the Galactic Marines
  7. My name is Captain Smokes of the Galactic Army of the fourth sector army. I do not know the abilities of my Attack Regimental commander's opponent's or their limits. I'd like to say I am even to fresh off the boat from Kaminio to give a sure vote in this matter, also perhaps biased for he is my Regimental commander, and only seen his command style. None the less, I have only experienced a skilled, competent , and dedicated superior. I have fought with him against endless waves of clankers and he has shown to be with skill, also organization with competence, and lastly Dedication. Not only in field but in documentation. He has and is helping BUILD a future for not only the attack battalion, but all battalions and Naval. I give my personally sincere recommendation for this post of Attack and Defense Senior Commander. -Signed Captain Smokes of the Galactic Marines.
  8. (I am making my suggestion here due to my inability of making in the proper area ) Name: TR GM 4thHROVS 1stLT Smokes Suggestion: Republic Shotgun and DC-17M Shotgun Modification Add or Change: I am recommending atleast one of the few options here be implemented. Option 1. Republic Shotgun cost from 500,000 to 100,000-300,000. Reason of cost change : The DC-17M also costs 500,000 credits, making the republic shotgun worthless to purchase. Option 2. Damage increase to the republic shotgun. Reason of damage change : I know of it's current damage status of 120 IF you manage to get all rounds in, but than the rate of fire makes it less effective in combat overall. Adding around 20-30 damage will make it more in demand and make people even debate about which one in the field they prefer, increasing weapon diversity. Option 3. The DC-17m shotgun cost change from 500,000 to 600,000. Reason of cost change : A automatic is FAR superior in knock-back damage overall damage and rate of fire, making it the equivalent in cost to the republic shotgun will result in the DC-17m shotgun being purchased while as the Republic Shotgun is utterly left to rest on a shelf obtaining dust. Weapons: Republic Shotgun and DC-17M. Thank you for reading this, see you in the field! I'M A MARINE!!
  9. RP Name: TR GM 4thHROVS 1stLT Smokes Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:607021 Age: 10 in clone years which is 20 in normal human years(about to be 10.1(21). Gender: All clones are MALE Timezone: Coruscaunt Standard Time. Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): The desire to become a magical fairy is of many reasons, firstly I do desire to assist this ship and republic better by administrating justice if needed, secondly to handle situations that are required of that postions, hopefully wisely also with guidance. Thirdly, to ensure that the ships community runs smoothly, lawfully, and serious like. Fourth, to lend a much needed hand, a ship is only as strong as those inside of it will it to be. Fifth, to be a better Marine! I would like to involve my self more with ship and it's gears that make it run so beautifully and fully. Sixth, To help with requisitioning of materials that will allow people to go through certain training that is involved with EOD, Tech, GMACT and others if called upon(If I am found competent enough to do so.). Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I smokes was born soon to be 10.1 years ago, raised on strong principles that are consistent demand of bettering myself for not only self benefit, but others. I not only enjoy gunning down rows of clankers and spend hours on ship, but enjoy welding, hopefully take it up full time for good amount of credits(but after the war of course.). I overall to this date have developed into a blunt, serious, and hopefully worthy individual. Do you have any previous staff experience? I have been a magical fairy before long ago, different times and reasons. They were for datapad games on something call gmod, for modes like DarkRP, Survival, Military RP, PREP, and the addition of another that escapes my mind.
  10. Not enough ammo, Sirs.
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