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Posts posted by Riddler

  1. 6 minutes ago, Egg said:

    I want to +1 but I dont know if I can in all honesty. Battalions are struggling and 91st is riding it's new battalion hype. A few battalions are struggling and llama just made a suggestion for a new group for SOBDE. It's a nice and well thought out idea but I dont think it is time for them to make their triumphant return so I am going to sadly -1

    But how can we have SO but not 327th... considering in Lore 327th had a bigger impact and is better known.  

  2. All I;m gonna say is, fix our bloody weapon, as a TCT I feel like the most useless individual on the battlefield right now, its awful? we had a 50DMG 100 bullet buffed gun, now its 35, and the spread is terrible.

  3. +1 

    After how the whole process went beforehand, he's easily shown those who didn't want him in how hard he works. He has worked so hard through the chain of High Command, I can't see anyone else at the helm at the moment. You get good RP from the dude, and overall experience.

    He deserves to carry on and show us what else he can do!

    - Lux Bonteri/Riddler

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