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Posts posted by PUCK

  1. I give about a 2. It was great holding a position, but the fact that you spawned the NPCs right on the troopers, was a bit much and made me just turn sour on the event.

  2. while I agree with people Saying that they would like to have a lead, it’s helps to spice things up. I remember when halpert became Fox during my time in CG now Fox. It was different, it was a shock, and there was up and downs with that. I worked with it, and I believe people need to be open to that. 

    With this said, I know your a good guy, and have decent leadership skills, I think someone else should take the reigns for this Battalion 




  3. Sandvich man, you are a great Bacara, I've never thought you would step down. Yeah I give you shit but its was more of a joke then being serious. You are a great guy and when you set your mind to something you run with it. I wish you would give it more time and stepped back from it and see how we are doing. I can't say what happened with Bacra's between you and Oxen, but you had a good head and kept us running. Please consider trying this when you can and see what good you were doing.



  4. Well well well, nice to see you all again synergy.


    To those who don’t know me, I’m PUCK and I used to be fox some time ago before I departed for GM, then later departing the server. Well I decided to come back and see how everyone is doin. I see there has been a few changes so it will take time to get used to. But hey it’s fu to be back.



    • Funny 1
    • Friendly 1
  5. Neutral.

    I want to remind people, that an admiral would usually be in command of multiple ships in a fleet. So they would be able to command more than the naval personnel on the ship. Also if since we look at the clone wars, yularen and skywalker always seem to,be work side by side of on another. He did the same with Obi-wan, and it seems almost the same thing happened with Windu and the ship’s commander, before boba destroyed the ship. While some may say the saying “sir” is towards the higher person in command, it is also a sign of common respect towards people along the same rank and some times lower ranks. If we look at a ranks of militaries across the world and through a lot of fictional military also, so to build on top of that, if you reached admiral, your at the highest rank in a navy, just like a four star general, or in this case, a marshal commander. 


    The reason that this is a neutral post is that since there is a shift to a new map and it’s a land base map, the navy has to change accordingly, which will force the admiral rank to change and will pull that rank down since it’s a base that a general would usually command.


    sorry for this rather lengthy post.



    • Agree 1
  6. -1 ehhhh, no. The reason why your an event job is for two reasons. A) The person that is an event job is give people something to do and or shoot at on the ship instead of sitting on their arses and complain about being board. B) A good alternative of wanting credits during is to stay your Jedi/Clone/ or Naval. 



  7. Just now, Taur said:

    I don't think you understand the whole point of "suggestions"
    I suggested A SIMPLE name change, if you want to speak about anything else, go make a suggestion yourself

    I understand the point of this, and I hope you understand that all I'm giving you is some criticism to your suggestion and reasoning. So slow down for a sec and read and understand the criticism before you lose yourself. 



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