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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/2018 in Posts

  1. Your Name: Executive Officer Stone | UneJamMut Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34754157 Your rank/position in the battalion (if applicable)?: Private First Class Battalion Commander(+)'s Name: Shakes that make you quakes Battalion Commander(+)'s Steam ID (OPTIONAL IF UNABLE TO FIND): STEAM_0:1:58570489 Battalion/Squad/Regiment/Brigade: Croissant Guard Why should this Battalion Commander(+) be demoted?: He wants to allow CG to afk so he could make money Has this Battalion Commander violated one of the rules for demotion?: all of them Evidence against the individual?: I don't need evidence Suggestion for new Commander of that Battalion (OPTIONAL)?: Me
    5 points
  2. Shakes bullies me, plus he called Gret a queer 12 year old, hurtful words man hurtful words
    3 points
  3. Absolutely lets demote this man for his treason! By god where is Commander Mustard when you need him. ACCEPTED
    2 points
  4. +1 Personally like this cause well lets have a discussion. Lets face the facts. Events are Dying. They are getting stale, and we need some thing to hold us over till the new map, or my guy optimizes the map. I have always support ed VIP gamemasters and this is what People dont understand. The people chosen would be talked about and voted on by the HA's and those people to can do events throughout the day And not even Events like just Passive RP. Just somethibg to keep everyone happy. Look i think this is a good idea, and I support it.
    2 points
  5. So I decided that my time is done on the server. I feel like I need to stay off gmod because I hate playing it. It's been a long time and it was all worth it. I've been here for like 2 years and I was happy that I meant everyone on the server. I may be autistic but it was all fun and games. I learned a lot from this and I damn well was dedicated to this battalion since Icefuse. I can say that I was the meme in this battalion that the battalion back than knew about and probs to this day. I've had some ups and downs but along the way, I was here just to have fun. So now I'm going to list off the names of people that were great friends of mine and helped me along the way. I've been banned, demoted, and even abused by admins from this time and I learned alot lol. EEEEEEEE EEEEEE. @Quill Khan You're a good guy and I hope you can shape the 501st against again like it was from the past. @woeny23 One of my best friends since icefuse. I won't never forget the time when you helped me get to CMD and I felt like I was special but I gave all that away from my stupid actions. @Phil You're just a EU guy I don't care about you but you're a good guy @Patrick Chicken fried rice. @miguz Lets play some R6 sometime. @StormKeep up the great work my guy. @Kitty You're gay too. @Jackson Slay me no balls. @MaxOne of the best Palpys on the server no doubt about that. No one can beat you. @Kodek You're a good friend of mine and you helped me with things. @Rogue Just take it easy my dude. @Nyx Well I don't know where to start lol. We've been here for so long and have a lot of good times. I remember when I first saw you join the 501st back at icefuse. I once said the N word back in the day when you first joined and that was some funny shit. I'm not racist but I can call myself a mixed breed xD. @Jorrdan SCUM GANG. @Rekxo You're a screamer and a big gay. Stop watching gay anime lol. @Prunecow I let you down as a fellow ARFL but I liked you a lot no hommo. @Elijah It was funny that I never understood you but you was a good CMD. @SneekyShadow Another good friend of mine. @Lucky Big meme. Well There is a lot more people that I met that I would put on here but I'm too lazy so here's my final goodbyes. I can get into teamspeak still to talk and shit as well as do docs. Here's my last EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEE
    1 point
  6. +1 This isn't permaban worthy. He minged behind closed doors and did some questionable things on TS, I've seen way worse in the time I've been on Synergy and those people didn't get perma banned.
    1 point
  7. better suggestion, remove cg and bring in the 5th fleet!
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Shakes bullies me, plus he called Gret a queer 12 year old, hurtful words man hurtful words NO YOU SHAKE N BAKE
    1 point
  10. Accepted for Interview. Please contact a CWRP HA for an Interview by 10/22 or it will result in an automatic denial. Good Luck. //Locked and Moved to Pending
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Who invited the EOD trooper to the ship.
    1 point
  13. +1 i fucking have no body groupers and its killing me
    1 point
  14. T H I S I S J U S T A N O T H E R W A Y T O A S K F O R V I P G A M E M A S T E R S
    1 point
  15. Go back to work. 12 hour shifts isn't enough. GET OFF YOUR PHONE KIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. All memes aside. this statement is too true... Drama seems to stay the same throughout GMOD. Not one community can avoid. it also seems to follow a pattern... But that's just a theory, a game theory you forgot the bans with little to no information about why the person got banned.
    1 point
  16. Mike is innocent he was scarred as a child when a flak gun shot his father. Chamber wasn't there to protect Mike and turned him into a flak gun lover. Mike needs to go to rehab and get some help please got to www.helpmike.org to protect and help Mike
    1 point
  17. -1 Ur a minge nahhh dont return Funny thing is he's gonna come back and minge anyways to probably frustrate more people and cause more drama I feel. This is a Circle of shit banning Soon banning won't mean anything on this server and when some minges and gets ban they return. Soo yayy..... More mingess.......
    -1 points
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