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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2017 in Posts

  1. Keep this civil, or I will start issuing out warnings
    5 points
  2. I looked at the Evidence and its all saying how the Battalion is going down from old 212th members and yes they do have say but Billiam did amazing work for 212th and its hard to live up to that legacy 212th Just isnt the expectation that people had when mamba first entered as cody
    2 points
  3. Im not afraid lol I'm Kenobi, idk why your inputting in this you haven't been in the battalion for a good month, now taking a look at the facts now, it seems that you currently have no clear argument against why Mamba should be demoted all you've said was +1, now what I believe the reason your doing this is because we refused to give you 2ndLT so you left the battalion and ever since you've been quite angry at Mamba and some of the Senior Officers. This was not meant to flame you but to just present the facts.
    2 points
  4. Flynn IS in the discord, hes Kit Fisto hes a 2nd AC Jedi General
    2 points
  5. neutral I don't care anymore I'm done dealing with this do what your gonna do and lets move forward tired of listening to it -.- you guys make me miss when I first joined
    2 points
  6. Your Name: SC TR3 Todd or was 212th GCS ARC SGT2 Wooley Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:232894624 Commander's Name: 212th Commander Cody Or BlackMamba Commander's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59319890 Battalion: The 212th Attack Battalion Why should this Commander be demoted?: We love you mamba but the time has come,Through my time in the 212th I have only had 3 commanders but compared to the current people left in the 212th, that is a lot. When Billiam resigned we knew that the 212th will be going through some rough patches none of us expected the problems to go on for so long. I will not lie or make false accusations, Mamba is not a inactive commander at all of anything he is very active compared to the Battalion Commanders around him. But the 212th is currently dying, for those of you who state that we aren't lets take a look at some screenshots showing Billiams last week as a BCMD and then Mambas current run as a BCMD https://prnt.sc/gs5np2 Recruitment Evidence. Not only that but, the mass amount of Officers and Senior Officers that have left the battalion during his time as a CMD is insane and they all say the same "I don't like the way the battalion is being ran with Mamba as a BCMD". These are some screenshots that are straight from the discord. this is from myself: https://gyazo.com/bdfc3728ddbcbf67beb1f8837bfc5b99/ Naps final words https://gyazo.com/b4917004d6d7219a212a452c2f6c64ec And from a person that wants to be anon https://gyazo.com/fd176a67023e782d04bbab1736b51895 also from Marx https://gyazo.com/0ad7b85c4d7d51a2d0d5992330b5c5ee Everyone in 212th loves you Mamba with all our heart but unfortunately we need to put the welfare of the battalion the first and with the amount of infights that have been caused to the fact that you cannot run a battalion is extremely annoying and its making a bad name for us the 212th. I will not lie here but Jagger is doing a better job at keeping this battalion alive then yourself Mamba and this report is one thing i did not want to upload this but i have to. I will not lie and I know other members of the battalion will agree when I make my next statement those in the 212th will know where I am coming from. The way to get promotions through the 212th now becoming impossible. The way for a promotion is through favoritism and that's the cold hard facts. We had a member in the battalion who burnt themselves out for this battalion but quite clearly deserved a promotion. The troop was a CSM for roughly 2 and a half months. And I saw this man get demoted the other day but to be serious with you all this man had a life and got demoted for it. We had a SMB go straight to MAJ and I do not lie he deserved the promotion but we had a CPT that had been a Senior Officer the longest out of all of the current Senior Commanders and Commanders. I will not lie Jagger did deserve the promotion he is a superb commander and is doing wonders for the 212th but to not tell a CPT how he can improve is very upsetting and shows lack of initiative towards his Senior Officers. Not only this but an old member of the 212th was removed, kicked from the discord without warning, and voted for a blacklist for so called "Making Drama" DO NOT GET ME WRONG the said trooper was creating more drama then needed but the way he went about this and you can see this within the one of the screenshots above. He cannot handle a stressful situation effectively. Proof which can be found above: https://prnt.sc/gs5np2 https://gyazo.com/bdfc3728ddbcbf67beb1f8837bfc5b99/ https://gyazo.com/b4917004d6d7219a212a452c2f6c64ec https://gyazo.com/fd176a67023e782d04bbab1736b51895 vhttps://gyazo.com/0ad7b85c4d7d51a2d0d5992330b5c5ee
    1 point
  7. 08:00 - Star Corps Bunks Bly was the first to wake, as usual. Hoping from the top bunk, instinctively keeping his head low to avoid hitting the roof, he landed quietly on the ground. With a quick glance behind him, he saw Zahariel still snoozing in his bunk, a containment safe implanted in the wall next to a poster of Tano. Bly sighed, that poster drew too much concern from the higher ups, yet somehow Zahariel had managed to talk his way around it each time. A few groggy steps over to the stove placed him right before the stove, and his early morning essential. Starting the auto maker, Coffee was soon dispensed for him into his favorite plasteel mug. He paused as moment to breath in the delicious aroma through his nostrils, then sipped his prize. Sitting down at his desk with his beverage, he pulled his holopad from a drawer, and began reading Trooper Daily's newest issue. Zahariel's eyes slowly opened. He could smell coffee, so he knew sleeping in wasn't an option. Before his eyes could adjust, he started to sit up, only to clank his head on his safe above. "Ga-Damn it." he muttered. Rubbing his head he placed a hand on the safe as he sat up infront of it. The finger reader on it beeped once with acceptance, and it popped open with a hiss as the decompression and enviro controls were released. He began rummaging through his "Keepsakes" as he called them. He felt eyes on his neck, and turned to see Bly staring at him from his desk with indifference. He smiled at his commanding officer "G'mornin sir. Supplies all accounted for!". The response he got was just a shake of the head as Bly went back to his holopad. Turning back to his safe, a combat stim had wriggled past and fell out, clattering to the floor behind his bunk. Spark's eyes tore open at the sound of a ruckus. He lunged out of bed, heart pounding and face sweating. "RAKGHOUL?!" He yelled through gritted teeth. As he came too, realizing where he was, he saw Bly staring at him with confusion. He could hear someone rustling around behind him, which he turned towards to see Zahariel with half his body shoved between the wall and his bunk. The realization of what transpired dawned on him like a sunrise on Kamino. He grunted with disappointment. He hated mornings. Unless he was waking up to blaster fire or explosions, he woke up annoyed. At this point Zahariel's legs were kicking, he had well and properly gotten stuck. "Sp-Sparks!Help me brother!" he could hear his say beneath the mattress. Sparks grabbed either one of Zahariel's legs and began tugging to get him out. Secura had just walked through the door to see the typical array of shenanigans she expected. Bly was of course, already up and at attention. She nodded to him curtly, letting him at ease. She looked to her right and watched as Sparks finally managed to free his brother Zahariel from the confines of his bunk. Sparks upon noticing her, immediately saluted, dropping Zahariel's legs. Zahariel had still not noticed her entrance, he had already scurried back onto his bunk to, as she assumed, seal his safe. She nodded to Sparks now to let him know he was at ease. She walked to the desk, standing next to Bly. "Anything of note today, Commander?" After a brief sip of coffee, he mumbled "More clanker attacks. Deathwatch insurgencies. Deadly infections and diseases. Just another day in the grand army of the Republic." Zahariel jumped out from his bunk. "Secura sir!" He stopped to salute before continuing "Has Tano asked for me?" Secura shook her head with amusement. "No I'm afraid not. She's much too busy with her studies and training. Perhaps it could serve a lesson?" Zahariel's face drooped a moment in shame, before perking back up with that familiar look of intrigue. "Perhaps she would welcome an offering of Jogan fruit and blue milk to refresh herself." He said with tinge of hopefulness. Secura didn't have the heart to tell him it was all in vain, and knew it wouldn't matter if she did. The ship shook suddenly with a violent explosion. Sparks had already geared up, and was waiting at the door with an eager glee. Bly stood, looking to Zahariel who was scrambling to make sure his collection of baubles and loot were intact. "Suit up!" He shouted, as the others began to lurch out of their bunks. "We got work to do."
    1 point
  8. RP Name: TR 2ndACT IT MED 2ndLT Alan Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:68374613 Age: I am 15 Gender: Male Timezone: Central Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I joined this community a couple of months ago. When I first joined I was new to the whole StarwarsRP thing, but thankfully people helped me they were nice and kind to me. I want to become a member of the staff team because I love this Community/server. I want to make this community/server more fun for all the players in it like the staff did to me. I want to see this server grow. I want to see new players enjoying the server. I know how the game works now, and the rules of the server. I know how to deal with pressure. Joining the staff team will help me out as a TR it would make me quicker. If I do get accepted I will try to answer to tickets the fastest that I can. I really don't want minges to ruin the experience of people who actually want to play the game and RP. I will make sure that those kind of players are out of our community. I will put all my time and effort to staff. I will try to be the best staff member. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well, My name is Alan I am 15 i'm a sophomore. I personally think I'm fair with everyone. I am currently living in Chicago.IL, I have one brother(Diego). I like all sports, But some of my favorites ones are baseball and Football. I am currently in a Baseball team. I am very active in Gmod.Right now I have 1806 hours on. I'm on the server at least two hours a day. Do you have any previous staff experience? OblivionTTT- I was a Mod
    1 point
  9. I have a good deal to say here. First things first recruiting shouldn't have been brought up. It is the WO's job to run the NCO's and have them recruit. As a 2ndLT for the past few days I do everything i can to get the NCO's recruiting and taking turns standing outside bunks just as the WO should. But that said mamba has nothing to do with that. If the WO is having issues getting recruiting going they should speak up. Now as for the Officer wipe. I am neutral on this. I believe some of them were justified and others were not. Some of our officers didn't show much leadership despite holding a position, some lacked maturity, some just needed improvements, and then some just needed to show a little more attention to the battalion at large. Now I am not saying all the Officers were like this i agree some demotions didn't make much sense and could/will hurt this battalion for the next week or so. We are very unorganized now due to the resignation of members. I feel because of this chaos we all look to mamba. Now in my personal opinion I have never really felt Favorited. I worked really hard to get to where I am at and I am sure other officers can agree. But I don't believe mamba demoted out of spite although it was rather excessive. I believe the demotions should be appealed and looked through more thoroughly though. Now I will agree a lot of us get burnt out here and there. Take LOA/ROA. simple enough. Now onto the main concern, Is mamba fulfilling his BCMD position to his best of his abilities? I believe more can be done, BUT I believe that he is doing what he can. Issues should be addressed which i don't feel has been very well established. Working with the officers has been well.. hard is a very naive way of putting it. I think moving on Mamba should communicate and work with all officers even if they don't reach out. That said though BCMD can be a stressful job and lots of people look to him for anything. I am going to stay neutral on most of this but i dont believe either side is wrong in this matter besides what i pointed out. My suggestion moving forward is bringing in a 3rd party to shadow things for a bit. TL;DR Moving on have a 3rd party shadow the 212th and set up a working chain of command with the NCO's and Officers. Also allow the demoted officers/resignations appeal and be looked over again.
    1 point
  10. @HalpertI request that u moderate this closely as its becoming very hostile
    1 point
  11. +1 Mamba just let go we need a new wave of 212th. thats why most of us quit. also im just saying if ur not in the battalion, you will barely understand any of htis. Im putting trust that im pretty sure if we let new 212th take over the battalion they will do better than old burnt out members
    1 point
  12. I believe that he has only ever hit 10 recruits a day once. Now Cabrera I believe you too got demoted due to the lack of work you did that was seen for the battalion. Compared to when you where in Icefuse why do you no longer go on your clone as much and why havent you done as much as you would back in the day? Burnt out? I think so
    1 point
  13. -1, You have given no real proof. All you have provided is 4 statements of members saying they will leave and 1 graph of members of the 212th. This shows nothing. That is why I am minus one-ing this.
    1 point
  14. Ok so you point out here how the numbers have been lower since mamba got cody. Ok it’s not like he is a 15 year old kid. And hey look the numbers were better this week Yay. Then you say this member was demoted and he was clearly burnt out. Well he did not get Event one recruit in 7 days which is not doing part of his job as an NCO which should not even be hard as one NCO got 9 recruits and he got SGT3 in the middle of the week. Well what if he was burnt out as you said? Then he should have submitted an ROA/LOA. It is the NCOs job to recruit and if they just spend their time minging or doing sims then they will just get demoted
    1 point
  15. I am not going to get involved in the discussion, but I will say it is the Battalion Commander's responsibility to manage the officers of his battalion. If the battalion is failing due to the incompetency of the officers, then it is the Battalion Commander's responsibility to remove those officers. If the Battalion Commander fails to do that, then it is the Battalion Commander's fault. I am not necessarily saying that this is the case here, but blaming the officers is not a valid excuse.
    1 point
  16. Stop being afraid that you'll get demoted if you speak up against him
    1 point
  17. tbh boios i agree with weeaboo u can not blame mamba when its most of his officers dragging him down.
    1 point
  18. -1 not the fault of the BCMD he has ineffective officers + sergeants that are not doing their jobs properly that is why there was an officer wipe, I dont know why these keep popping up
    1 point
  19. Neutral. I am not taking sides in this. This has caused enough of a divide already.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. @Llama/Yoda ALL RESIGNATIONS ARE FINAL IN 3... 2... 1...
    1 point
  22. omg ffs stop being fucking panzies... whether if he did job helping CBG with 91st or not.... he felt like he did a good job... whether or not he did good or not with it is a different debate not meant to be here...he hasn't falsified jack shit about being a 91st CMD... now whether when he left when it was "stabilized" or not... people can have different views or not on that topic... now weather or not punda did a good job or not is something that can be debated but it was his experience... it may of been a bad experience but it is an experience that is asked if he has any... so stop being panzies over just that... everything is just a view and opinion... and just because you dont agree with it doesnt mean you have to go around and what baxter had said... "WAIVE YOU E-PENIS AROUND" with all your experience and dumb shit its retarded and needs to stop
    1 point
  23. MFW someone's Commander App becomes a playground for people swinging their e-penises around...
    1 point
  24. Stop I am going to pee my pants laughing!!! -1
    1 point
  25. lol at you for thinking ur still some kind of hot shit ur noone +1 i love you punda
    1 point
  26. >When you're sad that beb has resigned, but then realized BEB EVENTS WON'T BE A THING TO MEME ANYMORE Gonna miss ya man. Had a bit of fun when you danced with 212th for awhile. Fun stuff. You may have not made the greatest events ever, but they were definitely unique and different. There was events, and then there were beb events. You owned it... and hey, events beats nothing at all. Thanks for providing us with all that content for so long. See ya later, Space beb-boy.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
    1 point
  29. "Who was Edward?" God that was a good fucking meme. I'm sad to see you go, Beb. When I heard you were transferring to TTT I was upset we were losing one of our most reliable Vet Admins and Game Masters, but happy you'd still be along with us. It sucks to see one of our oldest staff members go, but you definitely served a great term.
    1 point
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