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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2017 in all areas

  1. " The Galactic Republic was founded on the principles of law and justice, and torture was against the bylaws of the Galactic Senate. " Now I'm fine with Null squad using torture to acquire information, as Mandalorians are quite adept at it. However, Jedi using anything beyond Force Trick is just not lore appropriate. Jedi did not use pain or torture to interrogate prisoners. To do so is in violation of Senate laws, and the Jedi way. I find it extremely aggravating that Jedi Shadows are just allowed to ignore this fact,just because they are shadows. Shadows are still Jedi, They still serve the Republic, and the Liberty's it stands for. Shadows in lore are investigators within the order, and are tasked with destroying Sith Artifacts and remnants. I've researched for awhile now, and have found no evidence that they ever used torture to do this. To be frank, I find it a disturbing break of Lore, and think it should be considered as Fail-Rp. I don't want to take away from anyone's roleplay experience, but Erotic RP is banned for a reason, and I feel that RPing the act of causing someone immense levels of pain who is helpless to fight back is simply Sociopathic and inappropriate. [Insert Michael Jordan Mcdonald's ad. "Stop it, Get help."] Once again, I believe if torture is going to be utilized whatsoever aboard the Venator, it has to be by those operating outside Republic Law and scrutiny, I.E. Null, and maybe R.C..
    2 points
  2. Name: Punda Event Name: The Sith Cult (Part 4) Summary of the story: Jedi found sith cult leaders location, tracked him to a sith temple, jedi went there got ambushed by sith assassins, turns out the entire thing was a diversion for the Leader to get to the Temple with no Jedi stopping him. Sith leader eventually escaped, the jedi will track him down. (1 more part left boyos) What was the result of the event?: Sith Cult Leader escaped Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Both
    2 points
  3. Is this the Temple Guard's final form? *FailRP
    1 point
  4. I'll be in 187th TS bud, It's fine
    1 point
  5. Just remove Founder and replace it with Jigga.
    1 point
    1 point
    1 point
  8. This is a great kid right here. +1
    1 point
  9. +1 He is a good boy in the 187th
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I stood up until 1am on a school night to play on this event. Do I regret it? Nah. I helped punda by taking one of the main/higher roleplay positions for the event job as 'Sith Cult Lord Jagghar', reciting the sith code in the ancient sith language while cutting down jedi. The temple dupe created for this was astounding, and I did record the event (hope to upload sometime this week). He also asked me to have the 212th go to one of the hangar bays to do some 'paratrooper training' with a LAAT. I told my battalion to /comms rp paratrooper training while the Sith engagement happened. The reason for this? So the Sith Cult Leader had an actual way to escape besides just doing '/me escapes' bullshit. Unbeknownst to the 212th, when the time came the sith cult leader dashed from the overlook deck onto the hangar bay, and stole the LAAT right under the 212th's nose, effectively escaping. THAT is how you do a proper escape. These events have good story, structure, control, roleplay, and action. Punda's events should never be in question as time and time again he has proven with the high quality of his events that he is one of the best, if not the best at creating events. All game masters should look up to Punda as the GM Rolemodel. +1 - MAJ Oddball
    1 point
  12. Name: Punda Event Name: The Space Station Summary of the story: The Venator was in the same sector as a space station, the space station docked itself outside of hangar 1, the troops were free to roam the station but then a CIS fleet came out of hyperspace and attacked the station, the clones stood their ground using the stations batteries but could not withstand the invasion of the CIS. The Space Station was blown out of the sky, and eventually the clones and jedi drove the CIS away and made them retreat What was the result of the event?: Republic victory Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Both
    1 point
  13. Another great event by Punda. This guy spends ridiculous amounts of time providing the server high quality events, pumping one great event after another. He also has great control over them and ensures the event is never ruined. Punda is a Game master genius. He made an extensive dupe for a space station with 4 levels and good amount of exploration/roleplay potential. The event was intense and had bountiful amounts of Roleplay. I personally passive RP'd as Oddball leading a group of republic fighters to try to protect the space station that was under attack, while everyone else had their shooting fix while fighting starfighters and droids. Everyone had fun and everyone did a great job. I can't even imagine the power Punda's events will have on the event server... UNLIMITED POWER! +1 You beautiful being. - MAJ Oddball
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. ACCEPTED FOR INTERVIEW! Contact a Overseer+ by 9/25/17
    1 point
  16. Once upon a time, Dustin was 212th. Need I say more? This already means he's amazing and great. Seriously though, Dustin was in the 212th and this guy was as great as Apache. Apache and Dustin are this duo of just kickass and chewing bubblegum while fixing shit with their mighty wrenches. He's a collective person, mature, open minded and responsible. He is one of the people who is making 38th grow by the day along with Apache. +1 - MAJ Oddball
    1 point
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