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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2017 in all areas

  1. This was the best event I played on in a very long time. Punda makes the highest quality events I have ever seen and this guy is the reason why I keep coming back to play on Synergy Roleplay. On paper it looks mild, but the experience was intense and something to remember for awhile.
    2 points
  2. RP Name: TR 38th EC ITL BTO MAJ Dustin Steam ID: Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59833323 Age: 28 Gender: Male Timezone: Central Time (CT) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be able to help in whatever capacity that is needed. I've really enjoyed my time on the server and have devoted all my time to just this one server. I have worked very hard in the 38th to help make a enjoyable and immersive experience for all its members. Now I've seen areas outside the battalion that I would like to help in mainly late night events as a late night gamer I see maybe 1 event/sim after 1 am est which I am grateful for the GM that are hosting those but I would love to be able to enhance the experience for players during those hours. Even though GM is a goal of mine, I have no doubts about my willingness and ability to help in all areas that need attention from training cc's, helping with docs, moderating the server, or anything else. Thank you for taking the time and looking over my application all criticism and advice is appreciated. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Lets see I'm 28. A husband, and a father of 3. I was a console gamer for many years and have been on pc primarily about 5 years now. I started with League but don't hold that against me lol. I'm pretty much an open book if you ever want to know something specific just ask. but for now here are some cliff notes. I was a 11B if you don't know what that is so be it, I have worked in a lot of different fields but I have spent the past 7 yrs managing as well as sales. Currently i am a Locksmith. Do you have any previous staff experience? On this server no. In general? yes quite a bit besides my many years in the work force managing Staff that over saw events with 3000+ attendees. I have also been in a gaming community on console for a better part of a decade that at one point has had 5000+ members. While being in the top leadership in that community I have had to oversee and deal with anything disciplinary actions, formatting for different games, forum work (AdminCP), as well as overseen one drive rosters that stretch into the hundreds. I know and understand a rank structure with in leadership and respect decisions past down but also have the vision and work ethic to help propel us into the future.
    1 point
  3. http://www.strawpoll.me/13953584/r
    1 point
  4. RP Name: Kom'rk Skirata / Washington (Naval) Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76144015 Age: 17 Gender: Male Timezone: Pacific Standard Time (PST) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be a New Admin as I want to help assist, improve and ultimately giveback to the Synergy community. I have been playing this server for over a month (not long, I know) but have been gathering large amounts of active hours, with even 110 hours on the server within these two weeks alone, so I spend a large majority of time online and actively playing (no AFK overnight). I've seen many situations in which it would seem as if the current admins could need assistance, and would love to assist in any possible ways. I have worked hard in a few battalions (327th and 41st) to help build those, and progress into high ranks in both of those, and have tried hard to make them a fun, and RP-friendly environment. My current tenure as Null-06 Kom'rk Skirata has also greatly allowed me to access more of the community and be able to talk to and connect with many players, and breaking through battalion division to work with various people and help them in whatever ways they need. This is a big step for me in this community, and I thank you for taking the time to consider this application. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Chris and I'm currently a senior in high school living in sunny California. I've been playing games for quite a while (that's an understatement) and just recently started playing Star Wars RP and have immensely enjoyed it. I'm quite an open person and will answer almost anything, so if anyone has ANY questions I'm always good to answer. Do you have any previous staff experience? Currently, I have no experience being on administrator on a SWRP or Garry's Mod server so far, however I have had tenure running large groups (clans/guild) on various games with most numbering around 50 active members, so this has allowed me to be able to work with large groups of people efficiently and make sure to solve any possible conflicts with people. I do not know if this matters but I moderated on a decent-sized Twitch stream and was able to make sure people follow rules and to keep the community good, fun, and limit toxicity within it. Overall, these skills should help me in being able to help strengthen the server and help see the future not only stay the amazing way it is, but to help push it into a better, greater, server.
    1 point
  5. Name: Punda Event Name: The CIS Space Sation Summary of the story: The Venator entered hyperspace, the hyperdrive malfunctioned, came out of hyperspace, where a CIS Space station began open firing on the ship. A small boarding party was sent to the space station to blow it up and evac back to the ship, they succeeded. After the station blew up, a CIS fleet came out of hyperspace and attack the Venator. The CIS failed their attack and had to retreat What was the result of the event?: Republic killed all CIS Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up
    1 point
  6. Honestly, people are blowing this way out of proportion.
    1 point
  7. YOU CAN DO YOUR JOB WITHOUT BEING SALUTED OR SITTING ON THE DAMN STAGE!!! Jesus fucking christ ya'll act like your IRL job was taken from you. You are in charge of DISCIPLINE and MANAGING NCO's. I just can't stand all the damn complaining, deal with the decision. Ya'll acting like it's the end of the world.
    1 point
  8. I would also like to mention, if you scroll down to the bottom of any page on the forums. you will see this message: Synergy Roleplay is the new hope, a place where your voice can be heard and brought to life. As a community, we work in synergy to bring the game play you enjoy day in day out. Quite contradictory to the "motto" to change something without the feedback of the community, and or with very negative feedback from the community.
    1 point
  9. +1 no mic shockpoint > bear shockpoint
    1 point
  10. +1!!!!!!! Have been waiting for you to apply for so long! You'll do great as a staff member! -212th Batt. Commander Cody/BlackMamba
    1 point
  11. +1 As Jar Jar I had a good time even though troopers thought they could body block me to keep me from going places and other's thought that it's required to roll multiple times just because they lose the roll. People need to work on their common sense roleplays. Debrief was cancer with people spamming that other's needed to get arrested for OOC PTS (Which doesn't have to do with the event but it does need to be brought up since it IS Spam.) I generally enjoy being an passive roleplay character in Vanhorn's Events. He doesn't repeat the same types of events, he actually gives them his own deranged format of a plot-line (Which I love because it makes me laugh). He takes his time to explain what everyone's role is before the event has even started therefore the RP characters are coordinated. He allows his volunteers to pick the roles they wish to be and takes into consideration other's recommendations. As far as the actual event goes, there was plenty of combat for the troops that prefer that sort of thing and there was enough roleplay to appease those that enjoy the roleplay aspect of the event. There were plenty of Event Jobs so many people could be included and I enjoyed my time with those that I played as event jobs with. Even higher ranked players on the server were willing to roleplay with me even though I was playing as an imbecile as an event job (Jar Jar Binks). The troopers were well organized and the Naval, Chancellor, and CG were fun to be around since they gave me the chance to roleplay in my own way.
    1 point
  12. Noone is elite when everyone has the same weapons and skills. A 101st can do as much damage as an RC with enough money.
    1 point
  13. CLOSED DDOS Threats Will not be tolerated And will be met with severe consequences
    1 point
  14. Well, the numbers that show up are pretty low since there really isn't anything special about RC anymore. Why leave the friends in your battalion when stat and kit wise, you can be on a level playing field.
    1 point
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