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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2017 in all areas

  1. A game you would expect to find Corvezeo playing rather than working on his server.
    3 points
  2. Name: Caps Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:193231750 Final day of work (Must be three days later): 7/29/17, please accelerate. Reason for leaving: I no longer have any drive whatsoever to play on here. I love this community so much and everyone apart of it. I hold no grudges and will continue to support Joah's server and everyone within it. Thank you all so much for believing in me. I hope we all stay in contact. Farewells: God... there is so many people to say goodbye to, but I will keep it short. @Billiam ClintonThank you so much for being an amazing friend in this community. We have had so many great times together. @EggEgg, you were one of the first people I met on Icefuse 9 months ago. It's been amazing seeing you grow as a leader within the community. Thank you for being a great friend o7. @TrigWe always had a ton of fun playing other games together like PUBG, The Forest, Viscera, and I loved every minute of it. You are a fantastic person and I cant wait to see you grow. @LeanWe also had a lot of fun playing different games, and I have been able to see you grow so much in the community. @KainFucking Kain... We've known each other for like 7 months now and you and I reformed the 501st. You are a fantastic BCMD, and I wish you luck in our future endeavors. @MereelThank you so much for the opportunities you gave me during your time as Rex. You are an amazing leader and congrats in finally getting your Null ARC. @KodekI have just been able to meet you but you are a breathe of fresh air for the 501st. You are an extremely hard worker, I have no doubts that you will do great in the future. @Llama/YodaOne of the best Yodas hands down. You are an amazing friend and you will do great things for the order. @JacksonLike Kodek, I believe you will do amazing work for the 501st. I'm glad that you got Kix because you are the only one I would trust with the role. @ForseenPUBG? @MaxThank you for the opportunities you gave me on the servers. You are the greatest Roleplayer I have ever seen and a great friend. Hopefully we can play some Battlefront 2 when it comes out. @JoahThank you for making this server. I believed it would be successful from the first moment you talked about it in the Discord. You always look out for us, the players, and I cant describe how much respect I have for you and the other Owners. Thank you. Sorry if I missed anyone.
    2 points
  3. macmillan the thot killer
    1 point
  4. here's a temple gard for whoever wanted one
    1 point
  5. Its a riddle, Simple backwards is elpmis which means "Im going to kill myself" in Latin.
    1 point
  6. damn @Max i remember that second picture with 91st. Us, big ben(razor), and a few others just sat on top of crates and shot the rakghouls, then one of the rakghouls got juked by an RC and was trapped behind the fence thing or whatever you want to call it. I remember we could barely even be touched.
    1 point
  7. <01:33:14> "Joah": I will physically rape you. Thanks for hearing.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. I remember some of those old af moments. Welcome back dad.
    1 point
  10. I mean.....do we not have any other candidates...? Accepted for interview. You have until 8/20/17 to contact @Rush Cat or myself for your interview.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
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