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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2017 in all areas

  1. This Following Message is there a Ex Staff Member from Superiorservers Of there story I thought It would be a good idea anyway this message is by Solace. Solace Message: Ron (after he came back from his demotion from Manager) and I became moderator at the same time. He was cool until he reached the rank of Super Administrator. He reached SA before me and and at first everything was fine and dandy. But soon after, he started to act like how he does on Icefuse now. He became a Nazi, a Tyrant, everything that got him demoted the first time. He was then demoted from SA after people complained and said they'd leave if he wasn't demoted. Later he was welcomed back to the staff team as that demotion was deemed false because the people threatening to leave weren't really going to leave, they just wanted him gone because he was ruining the staff experience. Anyways, by the time he got back, I was already Super Administrator, and we had made a rank in between admin and SA called Double Admin, made as a stepping stone to SA. Ron, when he got back, told me and other members of management that he was going to stay at Double Administrator, because he liked the thought of being a senior admin, rather than being management. He held this ideal until one day I told him what to do differently. He had made an update to a ban, and me as well as another SA and CO, thought the ban was out of place, as every other ban for that same reason were all permanent (for good reason). He did not like this and confronted me about it. When he confronted me about it, he had an even worse attitude that he claimed you had in your argument with him about mods having physgun permissions. He was rude, called my decision (management decision) dumb and that it should be HIS way. So after I refused to change my mind, he went to somebody higher than me (Somebody that agreed with him), and then we made an official management vote for the subject. Ron lost the vote, and he was NOT happy. So what did he do? Go for SA of course! Why am I telling you all of this? Because he is a giant hypocrite. Everything he criticized you for in your video, he has done himself, to an even greater degree. He has called Council and their decisions retarded, openly made fun of his council members, made threads, etc. Everything he has criticized you for, he has done a million times. Ron was even once given a forum warning for his behavior towards Veridian in a thread, needlessly calling him names/calling his decisions dumb/saying he's not fit for this, that, and the other. He and Veridian had to agree to just not be around each other, and Ron even had Veridian muted on his end. Just think about that. Imagine somebody having their boss muted, because if they heard him speak, the whole thing would blast out into a huge argument. Based, Kingz, and I had to hold them back from tearing each other's throats out over a disagreement they had. I admit, both of them were immature in the situation, eventually resolved by Penguin, and them muting each other, but just think about that for a second. Practically screaming at each other, Ron yelling at Veridian saying the same stuff you said to Ron in your video. Ron didn't like how Veridian was supposedly being a tyrant (I can't speak much on that claim), saying that "Just because you're Council, doesn't mean you can just override my decisions like they're nothing" and "We should have a vote, just because you're a higher rank doesn't mean that you get to decide things over me" blah blah blah. The worst time in my opinion, (Maybe because this directly affected me) was when I tried to demote him from his position as "Teamspeak Manager/Developer(<--"Developer" ... Lol)". Why did I want to demote him? Because of issues like this: http://nuttysu.cc/Ron%20and%20Squish.mp3 He literally went into a Super Admin's channel as an Admin with TS Developer permissions to start arguments with her. And this was JUST the recorded part. At the end you'll hear them calling me to take them to another channel, where it took two hours of them screaming at each other to end. What was the result of this? A mad Ron Paul and a crying SA. Crying? Literally? Yes. Crying. He made my Super Administrator cry. He, in his argument, tried his best to make her feel bad about where she was at. Calling her nothing, a piece of shit, etc. etc. Is this THE CIO of Icefuse? THE LEAD Administrator? Give me a break. Instead of coming to a Council member to handle an SA like he should have, he instead went to that SA and proceeded to try and make her feel like shit to prove his "Point". A nice meme came out of this recording though: "wanna call me fucking-nothing.. Well then GET FLAMED YOURSELF." Ron's attitude because of the rank was getting so bad (many more minor occurrences leading up to this point) that I had actually started a thread to demote him from his position. Now, I know that I alone wasn't the only person experiencing the "Ron Paul Syndrome". In fact, EVERYBODY ELSE was feeling the same thing. My vote for his demotion got a 100% yes from ALL Council, from both CWRP AND DarkRP. Why didn't he get demoted then? Penguin vetoed it. I sensed a little bias in that veto, and hated how our 100% yes vote was just disregarded like it was nothing, so I confronted Penguin about it and all I got out of it was being told I'd be demoted if I didn't stop. Guess Penguin didn't see the future [C.I.O] <-- kek)) like we did. Later on, I eventually renamed his rank on Teamspeak from "Teamspeak Manager" to "Permissions Editor". I did this by Council vote. We voted it in, so it happened. So what did Ron do? Well, he sent me this: http://nuttysu.cc/48610.png Basically trying to call me out for being a shit Council. It was w/e, it for damn sure wasn't the worst thing he's ever said to his higher ups, but it only proved my point. It proved that Ron was power hungry. It didn't want it to be renamed from TS Manager because he knew that with the name, he could say that he "Manages" something, and can therefore boss our Super Administrators around in TS (Like the Squishy situation I told you about above...) And when I took that power away from him, he got offended and started flaming me on Teamspeak. I was very close to banning him that day, but I didn't want to get even more on Penguin's bad side and actually be demoted, like I eventually was. Point is, Ron has done everything a staff member is NOT supposed to do. Ron is the epitome of a nazi manager, he is the definitive nazi manager, in fact, it's essentially synonymous. ~ Solace (ex hEad.GA.C.I.O.SUPOverlord.S.K.I.D)
    4 points
  2. Could have shortened the paragraph to one sentence. Icefuse is shit.
    2 points
  3. RP Name: Wonker Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/zombie_killer105/ Age: 17 Gender: Male Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator: Well for the short time I was a trial moderator on Ice Fuse (Quit on my own accord) I did enjoy doing my work to help the server get better, and right now on synergy I really want to help this server to flourish and surpass Ice Fuse (If you don't think it already has), because I believe this server is a much more fun and fair community compared to Ice Fuse and do love playing with a lot of the community members. I see that game master is separate from staff atm but eventually I would like to become a Game master as well. I'd like to help as a staff to make this an even better well flowing server by making sure I prioritize TR duties and taking as many tickets as I can when i'm available. I would also like to make the server more entertaining during downtime by creating sims and such. I'm not sure how it work as of now but i'd like to assist in event if staff is needed to build and such. (I know as low ranking staff you cant spawn stuff but if I get there) Tell us a little about yourself: I love Star Wars, ask any of my friend they will tell you I love it a little too much and when I saw Star Wars RP on Gmod a very long time ago I decided to give it a try. Back then I played on one of the only servers to exist then I think the name was ASG clone wars, I played quite a bit back then and I really enjoyed it after a while the server closed and I didn't have any interest in playing on a new server but about a year later or so I decided to try it again and I played on the Ice Fuse server. This time I got very involved and climbed the ranks but then Ice Fuse went to shit and every one left, it so happen I was on a 2-3 day loa during these events and came back confused, when I heard all my friends from the 212th had left to join a new server I joined them and now I have found an even better server than Ice Fuse. Honestly when someone gave me the run down on all the stuff they were doing on this server I thought it was too good to be true! -Wonker Like this
    1 point
  4. RP Name: TR 501st SRENGL SGT2 Blueberry Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198389890239/ Age: 18 Gender: Male Timezone: Central US Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to participate more in the server more than just being a player. I wanted to get TR training to help new people with the server, wanting to be staff followed when I wanted to help more. My main reason is just to help the server because I enjoy it. I play pretty much every day so I believe I can be a useful part of administration. I enjoy the new community and want to help I JUST LOVE IT SO MUCH, I've made new friends and had great experiences and want others to feel the same. I don't jump to conclusions and want to hear both sides of a story. I started playing starwars rp on "that" server and when we moved over I wanted to do more for the game I enjoy. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I've been playing starwars rp for about a month which compared to most isn't a lot but I like the idea and execution of the idea. As I stated before I enjoy the server and want others to enjoy it to. I also play a lot so I can help people pretty much anytime. I'm a pretty neutral person so I don't pick sides or easily at least. I can't think of anything else so thanks and bye.
    1 point
  5. RP Name: Jedi General Anakin Skywalker Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:31551356 Age: 24 Gender: Male Timezone: Eastern (GMT - 5) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be an Administrator so that I may help and improve both gameplay and roleplay. I have a lot of experience administrating and believe that I can assist members of the community with anything that they may need help with. I have years’ worth of experience across leading communities. I was even an administrator on a GTA server of an average of 1,000 players at a time. As a leading member of the Jedi Order, I do have people come up to me and ask for help which only a staff member can give. Being an administrator will allow me to take care of these problems. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Chris. I am 24 years old and am currently employed as a lead software technician at a local computer shop. I really find it to be enjoyable, and it makes me feel good to leave the customers with a much better functioning computer. I also enjoy programming; I have made many addons in Sourcemod for different CSS and CSGO communities.
    1 point
  6. Naruto's overrated. Besides. What's more interesting than seeing Naruto taking his last breath? I'm gonna get hated for this.
    1 point
  7. #HitlerRP Ron is the biggest sack of shit that has ever been inside of a community. He is like that douche bag at school who thinks he is popular when in reality everyone fucking despises him.
    1 point
  8. IDK what you are talking about. What is difficult to do. I am using my phone right now and this is in my opinion just as easy as a PC.
    1 point
  9. You wanna know how I got my name? Well, there is a lot of story and lore behind this. Remember, this could be very emotional and may cause some people distress. Reader discretion is highly advised and don't read if you are below the age of 18! (definitely won't be ignored right? I mean it's intimidating right?) Long, long ago. In a galaxy far, far away! This mysterious unnamed boy was just a small lost child at the time. No where to go and no where to hide!It was a cold, stormy night. I was just a young boy at the time. Sailing across the most dangerous and spookiest, haunted seas with a crew and my parents. The seas were loud and dark. Darkened by the souls the waters had swallowed up long before. Every single ship that sailed on these waters were very afraid of the ghastly sense of the atmosphere. None of the sailors liked passing these open seas as this very water was the causing of the disappearances of the ships before them. If ten ships sailed over these waters, not half a ship would come back nor be heard of again! On this very night however, the waters were haunted by a very rare spirit. This spirit had its very own beast of a pet. A horrible scent could've been smelt this night, and the sailors knew what would be upon them. They hastily rushed my parents and I down to the lower deck of the ship. They readied themselves for a battle. And a battle it was. The moment the spirit showed her face she acted docile and weak, to soften up the crewmen and force them in to attracting themselves to her. When the crewmen were distracted enough to approach the spirit, she revealed her true nature, and unleashed her pet beast upon the starboard side of the ship, destroying half of the ship's canons. This quickly made the men realize they were tricked, and blasted all remaining canons at the beast tearing at its scaly skin. The spirit was not fond of the keen aim of the crewmen, and quickly attacked the ship from the inside herself, possessing both my parents that dashed towards the weapons, grabbing two swords each. The spirit stared at me and left me with four markings on my forehead. They destroyed the ship from the inside out killing all crewmen as the beast ate the ship. Leaving no survivors. Two days later, on the brink of death, I was found. The locals took a glimpse at me and read the markings on my forehead. It read "4444". They instantly named they me "Fours". The end! Oh, also because I was told I couldn't have the name "Fives". But the story made it better so fuck you.
    1 point
  10. If you're still gonna be admiral on icefuse, then it's a Minus Juan from me. Good luck!
    1 point
    1 point
  12. You need to choose Senior or Regimental. It says in the application regulations that you aren't supposed to have more than one app up at a time. Just thought you ought to know. Best of luck, Hudson
    1 point
  13. +1 but if you get it you should consider resigning admiral
    1 point
  14. -1 only because you're still admiral on icefuse and I personally believe anybody going for a important position should have their full focus on that.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
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