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About Jimbo

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  1. yh this was the only thing i wanted in staff. I'll leave the event their if anyone wants to use it
  2. Still made it on the board of great leaders
  3. Name: Jimbo/Barlex Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:74800002 Final day of work (Must be three days later): Today plz Reason for leaving: None, just too busy Farewells: Too many
  4. Name: Jimbo SteamID: STEAM_0:1:74800002 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: Too long From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: Roughly 6. I’ve watched all the movies and a season of clone wars so I have some knowledge. I’ve also been in quite a few events. How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: 9 Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: This is a multi-part event with several different outcomes 1st Part A transport craft Carrying POWs needs to stop and service the craft. It is a trandosian carrier transporting wookies from a nearby system. Aboard are 2 prisoners, 3 guards, a engineer, a pilot and a massif. If event goes to plan: Step 1. The Transport craft (Black LAAT) will land wherever the naval tell them too and all the occupants will exit it. Step 2. The engineer and pilot will RP servicing and refuelling the ship. The Guards will escort the prisoners to somewhere secure, wherever the clones take them. Step 3. Once repairs are complete the prisoners will be recalled to the ship and it will take off and leave. Goto Part 3 If it goes Wrong: Step 1. If the Craft is denied then Skip to part 2 Step 2. If the clones decide to save the wookies then the trandosians will drag the prisoners back to the ship and leave immediately regardless of the state of the ship repairs. The trandosians will only fire if they are attacked. They will then transmit a SOS and run for the ship before they get rekt and take off. If they all die at any point then skip to part 2 Step 3 If the ship gets shot down or is denied power to leave RP but if necessary just break out (fly ship into hanger doors) 2nd Part A full scale assault on the ship with the intension of destroy it by holding ER, 2nd floor and MHB Step 1. RP depending on how the ship went missing Step 2 attack the “Traitors” on the venator Step 3 Retreat and end event 3rd Part Deathwatch attack the ship and the trandosians help defend the ship with the republic Optional 4rth part Wookies come searching for prisoners
  5. Jimbo

    101st TR3 Badger

    My adviced woud be 1) It's only 1.5 days just wait it out 2) If porn is put on the screen call an admin and remove yourself from the situation so you won't be blamed for it
  6. What is happening with pilots? I heard everyones pilot licence got wiped last night, is this true? If so when is there pilot and ATC training?
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