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CWRP-Cyclops/Barr Staff Application

[SR] Cyclops [A]

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RP Name: 327th ARC 1stLT Barr

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51143753

VIP: (Y)

Age: 21

Timezone: PST (Pacific Standard Time)


Why do you want to become an administrator?

   I want to become an administrator on Synergy because I want to give back to the community that has provided me countless hours of enjoyment. Being a TR, I know what it is like to train CCs and do my best to make sure new recruits are familiar with server rules. Being the night owl that I am, there are times in the late hours of the server when the majority of the population is asleep and whitelists are not available. Now that kids are going back to school, I know that in the later hours, the availability of admins will be lesser. I am wanting to fill that gap so I can get whitelists done asap as well as potentially host fun events/sims for those waiting for something to happen. As for hosting events someday, I would love to write out scripts for events and see them come alive. I am on my way to getting my Bachelors degree in Film/English and feel that I can greatly help out with events that require scripting.

Tell us a little about yourself:

   I am a Film/English Major attending a university in Oregon, approaching the goal of achieving my Bachelors. If I am not enjoying a nice beer while out on the town with some buds, then I am usually at home chillin with my fellow gamers on Teamspeak/Discord. I am also kind of a “professional” Tubist/Trombonist and play payed gigs all over town. These can go from being weddings, funerals, or even political events. For the last few months,  I have been absolutely loving every minute I spend on the server. As of now, my favorite things to do on Synergy are making new friends with everyone I meet and working hard to support the 327th battalion in any way possible.

Do you have any previous staff experience?

   I started playing PC games back in 2010 when Minecraft was relevant in my life. I was so in love with that game that I formed a small SMP(Survival Multiplayer) server dedicated to people who would record videos on the server. This was a silly thing that went on for 6 years. Although it was silly, I actually learned a great deal of leadership skills from hosting the server and learned how to cooperate with others on very large tasks. In more recent years, I even hosted a Pixelmon server(mod for Minecraft) that went on for a few months and is still being developed as I am writing this. Although I had to learn a lot of technical things to server managing, the biggest lesson I learned was patience and how to tend to someone in need. I feel like this will be the biggest characteristic to carry over to my contribution to Synergy.


Playtime:  273:45:48 hours

Are You Currently Staff?  (N)

Edited by Cyclops
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