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Zyner's Republic Resources Part II


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Who helped (If applicable):

Tyrone, Sanchez

Event Name:

Republic Resources Part II

Summary of the story:

After reviewing the reports of his last distribution of Republic Droids, the Commander returned with a new batch with updated programming to make sure the previous mistakes were not made. Again, the Troopers would be able to do as they saw fit with their new Battalion Droids but alongside guidelines that were hard-coded by High Command into the Droids.

What was the result of the event?:

More droids were given out than previously and with the new guidelines in place the behavior and results were much better. The program will continue to receive funding and thus will seek to see what is the next step in the testing phase. Until then, many Battalions enjoyed their own droids after doing some alterations such as changing their hulls, giving them voices and bonding. The phsycological changes of the Troopers will also be address as some seem much more content during these times of war with a droid by their side.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


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