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Thunder's Staff Application!


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RP Name: 187th MED SGT2 Thunder

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48719362

Age: Almost 13.

Gender: Male.

Timezone: CDT/Central


Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): After the first few days, I fell in love with this community. Most of the people were all willing to help me get better with skills such as leadership, formations, faces, etc. There was always someone to help. Now, I want to give back to this community. I want to make it a better place for new players. I want to be the one that helps new players with skills, and introduce them to the server. I want to rid the server of minges and people who RDM for no reason. I would love to see this server grow and surpass Icefuse, and every other Star Wars RP servers. I feel like that I am really active at this point in time, as I have been on almost every single day since I joined. All in all, I want to help this server become the best that it can be, by answering staff tickets, helping new players, or doing whatever I need to do to help out this server and make it better. I'll always be there to help people, and I will always try my very best to do my job.


Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm not an interesting person. However, I like taking charge and leading people to accomplish a goal. I'm a leader, not someone who takes orders. I still do take orders from my commanding officers though, because 1) it is respectful, and 2) I am ordered to, or else I'll have to go to jail, or get PT. I love helping people, and I also love seeing the joy in people when something good happens to them that I did. I like making people happy, so as staff, that is my main goal.


Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, in fact, I do. However, I haven't been staff on really any Garry's Mod servers. But, I'm sure that I'll catch on really quickly so I can do the best that I can!

Edited by Thunder

what do people put here now


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Congratulations! Your application for staff has been accepted for interview.

Please contact an Overseer+ by August 16th to conduct your interview.

If you fail to do so your application will be automatically denied.

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