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Yaoqul's Super Frigate


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Name: Quill

Who helped (If applicable): Jackson, Woeny, Lighig, Tyzen, Zyner, Bazoo, Rider, Ghoul.

Event Name: Yaoqul's Super Frigate

Summary of the story: Yaoqul has captured some scientists to build a super frigate, "The Nemesis Triumph". The Republic forces must push through and shut down generators to the facility eventually assaulting it. Yaoqul has the facility well guarded and he himself is extremely powerful. There are Talz that can be persuaded to assist the Republic if done correctly, otherwise they will also be hostile.

What was the result of the event?: The Republic got all generators down and made some new friends. They encountered Yaoqul and pushed him back to his facility, where he held his hostages. One was killed because a clone go too close, the other made it out with the Republic. Yaoqul did not let them leave the facility easily, he gave them a formidable army to fight before leaving the system.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both xd.

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