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Thexan's BCMD Resignation


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TRO 91st BCMD Neyo

Reason for stepping down: 

I'm just tired. Six months in this community and over three as a commander. I put my feelings out in a venting post and it was received poorly. This was just the tipping point on a lot of what pushed my interest in the battalion side of things and overall my views on spending my time in gmod as a whole. I can't sit around and feel like this and be a BCMD, dragging my battalion down as I continue to lose more and more interest.

Date of full Resignation:

08/06/2017 (ASAP)

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Sorry to hear you feel this way. Maybe after a couple of weeks away youll gain more interest in CW rp again. Im watching the clone wars series rn and it really makes me want to play, maybe you should consider trying to watch it as well.

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4 hours ago, Vint said:

You're still welcome in RANCOR Bunks any time.

I second that.

Thexan you have been a great old friend of mine in icefuse for quite some time. All of those moments being positive.  I only hope the best for you and remember what you have achieved is great, this includes making a companionship with RANCOR and 91st. I won't forget you mate and good luck in the real world;).

-RANCOR ARC SMB Hammer/Astro/Astral 

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