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Genes Game Maker Application

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Only Vet Admin may apply for Game Maker. If not it will be denied.


Name: MoH GM BAT Commander Bacara | GM Jedi Guardian K I Gene

SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:4826954


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: well on Garrys mod i have currently 2767 hours and counting, on icefuse i have 2500 hours as staff and a previous game master and admin. on synergy i have approximately 180 hours and counting. almost all of my time on Gmod has been in a clone wars server. my main passion right now is clone wars and being active and in a community that also appreciates star wars as much as I do.


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: about an 8-9 ive watched all the movies and have watched the animated series several times through i also read extended universe lore such as the book series by timothy zahn and the darth bane series as well as several books on the empire and the old republic.


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: i am currently commander of GM and overseer to KU, i also have played as the admiral yularen on icefuse, i would say my leadership skills and communication are above par and when given any situation can handle it appropriately.

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: yes i understand if i am inactive and no LOA posted i would be removed from the program.


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: Well since event jobs are very small at the moment i am kind of limited as to events we can do, with that being said hoping new event jobs are coming in the future i can hold more immersive and in depth events but here is what i came up with, with the event jobs we have currently on the server.


Part 1: The Jedi Revelation

So in this first part the base would come under attack by asajj ventress and count dooku, their main target is to get into the holocron room and steal the most valuble holocrons in the jedi vault, while this is happening a couple of event jobs that is also a vip and a jedi knight will be used and re nammed "Confused Jedi Knight NAME" to be a follower of asajj or dooku. they will be confused on the force and not understand the balance between the light and dark side due to the sith using their power to influence the confused jedi to follow them. Now after the holocrons and the jedi are secured dooku and asajj will make their retreat and get to a ship and go off base to an unknown location. during this time the game masters helping with the event will spawn droids around the map and in the engine room and cause a blackout while the sith are attempting to recruit jedi and taking the holocrons. Once the sith have sucessfully left the base the troops will clear the base of any remaining droids or threats and bring the base back to Defcon 6.

Event Jobs

1x Asajj Ventress: Red dual sided lightsaber, HP: 10k AR: 255 

1x Count Dooku: Red dooku saber, HP: 10k AR: 255

1x B1 Commander Droid: T21 E11 HP: 8k AR:255

2x Tacticle Droid: T21 E11 Imperial Heavy Repeater HP: 6k AR: 255

4x B1 Battle Droid: T21 HP: 5k AR: 255

4x Confused Jedi Knight: Jedi Lightsaber HP: 10k AR:255


Part 2: The Sith Uprising

Asajj and Dooku will come out of hyperspace above the base and will jump down into the base with their newly recruited acolytes, they will fight thier way back to the jedi temple and once inside will seek out a jedi master to force them to open one of the holocrons they stole. The master will eventually succumb to the sith and follow thier command and open the holocron. upon opening the holocron the sith soon realize the truth behind the jedi's kyber crystal source which is on a nearby planet, they then take action against the jedi and start killing all the jedi on the ship before jumping ship and into thier ship where they will hyperspace jump to a nearby planet.

1x Asajj Ventress: Red dual sided lightsaber, HP: 10k AR: 255 

1x Count Dooku: Red dooku saber, HP: 10k AR: 255

4x Sith Acolyte: Jedi Lightsaber dooku Red, HP: 10k AR:255

Part 3: The Jedi Way (This would be on an event server if we get one)

Upon exiting hyperspace asajj ventress count dooku and thier sith acolytes go to the nearby crystal source in hopes to retrieve kyber crystals to return back to the empire with, upon landing they will find a jedi leading the younglings into the crystal cave to select their crystals they will use for thier life as a Jedi Padawan. the sith will take out the jedi thats leading the younglings by this time the venator will have tracked their ship to this location and warp out of hyperspace and send forces to the planetside to assist the jedi with the younglings. once inside the crystal cave the sith will have taken the younglings captive and try to force them to the dark side, the younglings however will remember the jedi code and resist the ways of the sith and the darkside. once the republic has landed safely on the planets surface they will rush the cave and corner the acolytes and the sith. republic jedi will then exchange the life of the four younglings for safe passage for dooku and asajj but will turn thier acolytes to the light side and bring them back before the council to be evaluated and striped of their sith ways.

1x Asajj Ventress: Red dual sided lightsaber, HP: 10k AR: 255 

1x Count Dooku: Red dooku saber, HP: 10k AR: 255

4x Sith Acolyte: Jedi Lightsaber dooku Red, HP: 10k AR:255

1x Jedi Master: Jedi Lightsaber Green HP: 5k AR 255

4x Jedi Youngling: Unarmed HP: 2k AR:255

Edited by Gene_Starwind

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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