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My Activity

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As of late I haven't been active on my clone "Mereel Skirata" and I wanted to apologize for that, I am busy with work and the time I have to play I spend on warframe. My reasoning for not getting on was because of the skill system not being implemented, but that was a poor reason to not play on a 1 slot role that is hard to get into. I was removed by Dragon, but talked to Duck clearing up some miscommunication. I talked to Dragon today saying I will be on more and will be on today, but sadly I got called into work. Dragon as the Commander of NULL removed me from my position for my blatant lack of activity,  I was given one more chance by duck to step up my activity and I thank him for that. I promise all of you that I will start to get on more and if I can't then I will step down from Mereel to give it to someone else that can fill the position better. The times I will get on will be early in the morning, around 6:30AM PST (That's when I get off work) and sometimes in the afternoon. 3PM PST (when I wake up). Thank you for understanding what happened to me and again I apologizing for taking a position that many want not seriously.


NULL 07 Mereel Skirata

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