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Everything posted by Mereel

  1. Name:NULL 07 Mereel Skirata Length of LOA: 3 days Reason:Getting fucked over at work and having to change from day shift to night shift 3 times over the course of 72 hoyrs Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than one weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than 2 weeks you may lose your leadership position?:Yes
  2. You right Alistar, I've had sever anger issues in the past and got help for it. I hope you aren't leaving NULL anytime soon :C
  3. As of late I haven't been active on my clone "Mereel Skirata" and I wanted to apologize for that, I am busy with work and the time I have to play I spend on warframe. My reasoning for not getting on was because of the skill system not being implemented, but that was a poor reason to not play on a 1 slot role that is hard to get into. I was removed by Dragon, but talked to Duck clearing up some miscommunication. I talked to Dragon today saying I will be on more and will be on today, but sadly I got called into work. Dragon as the Commander of NULL removed me from my position for my blatant lack of activity, I was given one more chance by duck to step up my activity and I thank him for that. I promise all of you that I will start to get on more and if I can't then I will step down from Mereel to give it to someone else that can fill the position better. The times I will get on will be early in the morning, around 6:30AM PST (That's when I get off work) and sometimes in the afternoon. 3PM PST (when I wake up). Thank you for understanding what happened to me and again I apologizing for taking a position that many want not seriously. NULL 07 Mereel Skirata
  4. I can't sleep right now, I am looking up at the ceiling thinking about how do my feet smell if they don't have noses???? PLEASE HELP ME
  5. Riddler add me you shit, we have played before. TheHyruleLover
  6. I've been an Odinson for a long time fao
  7. You see Boris when you do the revolt of Icefuse, then you become player of synergy love the real motherland.
  8. Comrade I see you have decided to follow the rest of your brothers, the war has been long but the motherland is eternal.
  9. Joined ARC and got invited to be a part of NULL within it, was granted the name Mereel and it stuck ever since.
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