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Alfa Nade | Kashyyyk Love


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Name: Alfa | Nade

Who helped (If applicable): Rackarain, Qal, Darkk ,Metro,Maxwells

Event Name: Kashyyyk Love

Summary of the story: A group of Kashyyyk officials request to come aboard the Resolute to discuss how displeased they have been from the lack of support they have received from the Republic in the recent months. It was brought to the attention of the Republic that the CIS has been attacking Kashyyyk relentlessly and they are very low in support and supplies. They have to the Resolute to seek help and negotiate new terms with the Republic so that they can once again prosper. While the meeting was occurring General Grievous and his fleet came and attacked the Resolute with the means of destroying the ship and killing everyone in it. The Resolute was destroyed due to the fact of the massive amounts of bombs placed in the hypermatter chamber which destroyed the ship. All the troopers set evacuation pods on course to the planet of Kashyyk. The Senator of Kashyyyk had his pod land outside of the FOB which made the Republic go on the search for this Senator and have them rescue him. The CIS came and tried to finish the job that they started. After a long and gruesome fight Grievous retreated and the CIS were fought and destroyed. 

What was the result of the event?: The Republic reinforcements came and the CIS was defeated and the Senator was rescued. All the Senator's guards died.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both (defcon 1 event also)

Edited by Alfa
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1 minute ago, Raiden said:

+1 I enjoyed the sort of last stand we had at the end on the event server as the droids were pushing up on us. But maybe don't spawn the vehicles as much as people got prop killed from it


That was my fault the hyena fell after it exploded and happened to land on top of everyone

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Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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i want to say +1 but there was one main issue in my eyes...    please who ever spawned the droids fucked literally everyone up at the FOB. There were 3 people there who got then got killed because there were over 50 B2's there. I understand that the people were coming back but you don't spawn droids behind a FOB that was secured about 2 seconds before....


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