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OOC Lounge/Cinema Error.

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While holding out a gun and running past the OOC Lounge on the new and current venator, it strips your weapons giving the phrase "Weapons are not allowed in the cinema." Now I know it would help if I had submitted a video but quite frankly everything I tried I either failed at or it didn't work. I would just like to point it out because incase of an event this would kinda ruin the immersion if your guns were to get stripped from you telling you that you can't ave guns in a cinema, which is completely absurd in a combat situation. I don't know any possible fixes, but all I know is that it interferes with RP.


Sorry for not following Template... I just realized there was one and if needed I can resubmit.

Edited by Speedy
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You may be able to turn it off but during an event this is extremely annoying 

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Please fix this. This is extremely jarring when passing by.

Hudson, The Helmetless. Formerly Of:
41st Elite Corps & Green Company, Coruscant Guard, 327th Star Corps, Galactic Marines, Special Operations, 187th Legion, Defense and Recon Regimental Commander, 212th Attack Battalion, RANCOR, and for Jedi General Quinlan Vos and Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti.

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