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Egert - Falo's Science Experiment


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Who helped (If applicable):Blank

Event Name:Falo's Science Experiment

Summary of the story:Falo Tries to create something that would tare a Frigate into pieces.He Succeded and he went out to try and find a Republic Vessel to try it on.

What was the result of the event?:The Spiecies were pushed out of Moonpool

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:Shoot em up

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-1 did not involve 3rd floor at all. 


Part of doing events means you can manage covering all the zones necessary. We unsderstand areas like 3rd floor and EG are less important then MHB which has arguably the most people but you can't outright ignore them

fat -1





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current: Versock

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Im just gonna say this there was no action on 3rd Floor how would Rocks get on 3rd Floor? No zombies could have gotten on 3rd Floor without being mowed down that would be Failrp if i would spawn a rock in a hallway when the Roof that  is above you that would be Failrp im sorry but i had to get this off my chest.

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+1 for event and for everyone Complaining Part Of Being a GameMaster is to Have a Fairly Realistic event. Zombies Don't Magically spawn on 3rd and There is no physical Way Rocks get up there. Possibly the only solution to your suggestion is Having a Rock in Command Bridge But in terms of Rp that is Not Viable. You can't expect unrealistic things to happen On a Serious server.

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