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British - Staff App


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RP Name: British

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43994314

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Timezone: GMT +1

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Okay I am usually only used to writing two words and then being done on these things but here goes, Also I have no idea how long a Sentence should be so please don;t hurt me.

I wish to be an administrator because I know most of the staff team they are all friendly and good at their jobs and I know i would not be the only staff member doing his job unlike on other community I have been a part of, I know what I am doing while being staff.

I always look for the easiest ways to deal with a situation, if they RDM I speak before doing any disciplinary actions, I dont believe in ban first ask questions later unless they really deserve the ban (AKA:- they leave while in the sit or keep shouting racist remarks about joah's big head, or mass RDM)

I am able to keep calm during situations that people dont usually expect to happen like if i get called to a room with 5 big clones and they surround me and start saying stuff about my mother like "I bet your mom has a big forehead" I would say "Joahs is bigger" I would probobly start crying IRL but ingame i would be typing hahaha (its always good not to show your emotions to players)

Being apart of this staff will be very good mainly because i know all the people and they mainly know me "I have had good times and bad times with them but at the end of it we all love eachother. (With the owner and most HA's its quite bad BECAUSE THEY LIKE TORTURING ME DURING EVENTS") but il let that slide :)

Thank you for reading all of that :) I hope it didnt make you fall asleep too fast.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

1. My name is British, I have done many things in my life and decide to have a lot of fun playing games this means one minute i can be playing overwatch the next I can be playing with my girlfriend.

2. I take life one step at a time have as much fun as possible before death, If you hate my sense of humor please tell me then i can tell you what i think of your opinion (I would probobly break down crying)

3. I joke about almost everything in life, nothing I say is ever serious unless I start raising my voice or start going mad then you will know you truly messed up.

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