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Chambers - The Clone Kidnappers!

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Name: Chambers

Who helped (If applicable): Keo, Monty, Ret, Kaneki, Fi (All my prisoners I captured)

Event Name:  The Clone Kidnappers!

Summary of the story: The Slaver Crew of Captain KungFuNo have been hired by both the Hutt Cartel and the separatists, they have been contracted to kidnap clone troopers, higher ranks go to the CIS for interrogation and the lower ranks go to the Hutts to be slaves in the spice mines.
They successfully capture some clones but are discovered before they can make their escape from the ship and they send a distress call to their CIS employers who see it as a prime time to get rid of a Venator that has been a thorn in their side for a while.

What was the result of the event?: Clones were rescued and the CIS retreated

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: 50/50

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