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Titan's Staff Application.

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RP Name : CG TR3 Titan.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:186131352

Age: 28 as of August.

Gender: Male

Timezone: UTC-7

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Why I want to be an administrator or be part of the staff team in general? Well, that's a question I've been asked many times within my staffing career on Garry's mod communities. The best way I can explain towards this community is that I want to assist and continue to help grow this community by accepting tickets that are either the most problematic situation or questions that cannot be answered by default users or donators. When it comes to administration, the ability of whatever power you are provided should never be abused for personal gains nor the power to become a thirsty ass little cuck. The powers that are provided within the staff ranks are to be used to secure and serve a community that entrusts you with the enjoyment for yourself and others in a specific server, meaning not spawning items to be messed around with but spawned only for event or class purposes. As an experience of staffing on communities for a year and quarter, it is right to say those who abuse their power and get away for a short time, will only get karma in return. As for them, it goes for probation or demotion or if the offense they have created is gone to limits, it would be ex-communication. Maybe to those who don't understand this application thoroughly, it may sound repetitive towards you, however for those who actually take the time to read this application, congrats to you for taking the time to actually read this. So I thank you for taking the time to read this. Maybe this is a shitty application, maybe it's the best application. We never know, considering many have their own opinions on how an application should be written. And for those who negative support or positively support thanks for both sides, however, it is nice to place an actual reason behind the ratings you have just posted.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):


Nothing is really interesting about myself except for the fact that as long as I am treated with respect by others, I will treat them the same. If one dares to even cause problems for others, you will be dealt with by the harsh side of me which becomes a disciplinary matter. Now I'm not saying I am always going to yell at you for the mistakes you have made, as long as you do not take the immaturity far, I will be smooth and gentle as a French Chocolate. If you haven't had chocolate from France, I don't understand what you are doing here just sitting on your arse and eating a cup of ramen. Go out and try it.

Now this being said, I work well with groups, I've dealt with the cancerous times of dealing with immaturity staff members, members, etc regardless what their rank is. There's nothing really that can be explained about myself, only those who had previous experience staffing or role-playing with me will understand.

Besides the fact I've done Trail Moderator to Elite Administrator on the previous community 7 times. So I'm fully aware of when there are times to be serious and when there are times not to be. However for my own personality. I'm just strict asf. I'll be honest, I really don't give a single crap about having to restart from the bottom. The only issue it may have is being unable to resolve an issue that cannot be resolved by others. 

Edited by Axe
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