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Kip's staff app


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RP Name: TR 91st recon SGT3 Kip

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:0:11101

Age: 13 but 14 in 3 days. And I am mature for my age. 



Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Because I love the server. I know it's a new server but I love the people on here and I make so many friends and want to help people with there problem's. I'd be a good asset to the staff because I'm patient and can put detail into explanation.  And I want to help new people know the rules and be part of synergy. Also I used to be staff on icefuse and loved it. Not only that I was pretty good at it. I never jump to a conclusion and I always investigate first. Also I really want to help the server grow its numbers and good staff will help that. And not only growing the community numbers but I want to help  the staff numbers to. And last but not least I want to speed up the time it takes for a ticket to be accepted I would any ticket if I don't have one going already. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I go by the name of kip. You might have seen me in game as I am very active. Some of my highlights are im very patient. I don't really lose my cool easy at all and if some one doesn't understand something I wouldn't yell at them. Also I'm an out of the box thinker. If I can't fix a problem the simple way I will gladly do it another way. Also I'm friendly. I have alot of friends as it is but I try to make friends with anyone I meet. Also I'm knowledgeable. I know when to joke and when not to joke. I think these qualities would help with staff. 

Edited by Kip
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He was my XO during my time as a 5th Fleet commander, he earned his XO position for being very active and knowing how to handle situations quite well for his age, I vouch that Kip would make a fine addition to the Staff team due to his maturity and skills, especially at his age.

Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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