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Very convoluted.

Getting such an amount of new models in will be a problem. You also can't have named characters without the models either. To be honest, I'd just say keep Hawk job and try to suggest for the 501st Pilot job back for unnamed and see how Zim will feel about it.

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2 minutes ago, Mr.Acorn said:

@Zyner wait TC have always picked a lore name as their character. Is that not allowed cause it’s a tradition we’ve always done sense I was TCL on IFN

When Synergy first started it was mentioned that you can't simply introduce lore characters to the server without models/Director approval as that would basically be circumventing the system of adding things in. This may have changed, I've tried asking it several times to no reply. In addition, although you guys got TC Trooper back, it was also mentioned that subunits should only be made up for named characters, further pushing the idea that if you're not a named character (aka; a job you can choose) then you shouldn't be it.

I have not voted on the suggestion, just putting in my opinion as things may be different - this way nothing is really impacted and if anything I will be corrected.

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3 minutes ago, Zyner said:

When Synergy first started it was mentioned that you can't simply introduce lore characters to the server without models/Director approval as that would basically be circumventing the system of adding things in. This may have changed, I've tried asking it several times to no reply. In addition, although you guys got TC Trooper back, it was also mentioned that subunits should only be made up for named characters, further pushing the idea that if you're not a named character (aka; a job you can choose) then you shouldn't be it.

I have not voted on the suggestion, just putting in my opinion as things may be different - this way nothing is really impacted and if anything I will be corrected.

Okay I’ll clear things up with a director I guess then

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