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Kix/Conillim's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR 501st TC MEDL Major Kix

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:35367428




Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

Ever since i started i have really enjoy playing on this server. And to have such a fun time makes me want to give back. The best way to do this i figured is of course getting admin. With it i want to help with events, giving people white lists that they need, and helping battalions train by making dupes for them. I also want to make sure that people that break the rules are dealt with as they should be, and be banned if they break enough rules or one of the rules that result in an instant ban. Through this i can help make the server better and help ensure more new players wish to stay.

Some more information on how i feel about the importance of new players. Since new players are the life blood of this server its important to get them to want to stay. I plan on trying to help get new players to stay but helping remove elements that would negatively effect their impact on the server (Trolls/rule breakers). As well as help keep them interested by using Admin power to help with events or battalion training in the sim rooms. This way they will feel at ease in their environments as well as entertained and help ensure that they can't wait to come back and play again.

Furthermore I feel like you can't go wrong with having another admin. If you ask anyone in the 501st, as well as a lot of CMD/BCMD's of other battlions that have req'd me you'll know that i am both fair and kind, as well as good leader. I have worked hard to get to my position and i will apply this same effort towards being an admin.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

A little about me outside of the game. I am a college student, currently in my second year of a computer engineering major. I usually have classes in the morning and am free after 2-4pm CST so i'm free later in the evenings most days. I work hard in school so i usually study/do homework while i AFK and periodically check my screen to see if anyone needs my help.

Now a bit about my personality. I'm pretty laid back and enjoy playing on this server a lot, and have worked hard to achieve my current position. I'm a good leader and have worked hard on the MED regiment for 501st to bring us back into our glory. I am open to people's opinions and like to listen to them out before i make decisions, which i feel is an important thing to do in any type of leading role. This allows you to make an informed decisions and allows me to react to things in a fashion that is fair to all, even if that means punishing someone. 

Do you have any previous staff experience?

Not on Starwars RP servers, but i do have some experience on minecraft servers. I have been an admin for a small server that had about 20 regulars, as well as a smaller personnel server that i run for my freinds.

Edited by Conrad
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DENIED. Reapply in 30 days. 



I am joking lol.

+1 Some good things:





-Well Written Application

Good Luck Conillim. May the force be with you.

~ 501st Major Redeye.              

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First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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Congratulations Conillim! Your application has been ACCEPTED for the interview process

You have until 3/18/18 to contact me or an OVS+ for your interview

Failure to do so will result in automatic DENIAL of your application


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending

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