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Jinks' staff application


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RP Name: TR 501st PLT AHWS SSG Jinks / TR Jedi Padawan S Jinks

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:211608715

Age:  19

Gender: Male

Timezone:  AEST (UTC+10) -Australia-

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to help moderate the server and do many tasks such as handling chat disputes, punishing rule-breakers, and defending the server from any other possible threatening ways that may come. Multiple times I've been on, the load of players can not be handled by 1 or 2 staffs that are on late nights. On some occasions, there was actually no staff online - leaving a whole server for 'trolls' to abuse. I've fully read the rules, I know all the secrets which people do to rule break, I use to break rules on Dark RP server, but due to my past, I feel like I'd be an asset too the community by finding out rule breakers who do what I have done in my past. I feel like due to my experience with other communities, I'd be an amazing asset, from developing, to moderating, etc. I'm always always on Garry's Mod after when i finish my job outside of the server. I've lived in Australia all my life and only speak English, meaning I can communicate easily with players due to English being the main language on the server.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):   I am someone who is kind and friendly to all but will enforce the rules to rule breakers. I am on the sever very regularly and would like to keep it that way. I am loyal and direct with anything and I wish to get into the Australian Military and this server has helped me out greatly. I have work but i do get on in my free time which is always when i get home from work. 

Do you have any previous staff experience?: No I have no staff experience but would wish to know and learn, I feel like the admins would like to help me with any troubles as they have in the past for me.

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